Galley Deck

from Tales of the Red Brotherhood

Shares a board with Chebek Hold

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Special Rules:

  1. Moving from the deck to the ship’s hold (or vice versa): A Hero, Ally, or Overlord unit may move fron a deck stairway to a hold stairway or vice versa. The two areas are considered adjacent to each other. It cost 1 movement point to move up or down one stairway to another.
  2. Deck and Hold Stairs: If one area of the stiars (deck or hold) is occupied, a Melee Attack action can be made from the other area of the stairs. It is also possible to make a Ranged Attack targeting someone in an adjacent stairwell area. Heroes, Allies, and Overlord’s characters do not receive an Elevation bonus for Ranged Attacks from stairs.
  3. Poop Deck: Heroes, Allies, and Overlord’s characters receive an Elevation bonus of for Ranged Attacks. Heroes, Allies, and Overlord’s characters do not receive an Elevation bonus for Ranged Attacks, IF their target is on the Forecastle or Poop deck.
  4. Forecastle: Heroes, Allies, and Overlord’s characters receive an Elevation bonus of for Ranged Attacks. Heroes, Allies, and Overlord’s characters do not receive an Elevation bonus for Ranged Attacks, IF their target is on the Forecastle or Poop deck.
  5. Leap from a Forecastle or Poop Deck to the Main Deck: A character leaping from a Forecastle or a Poop deck onto the bridge rolls for falling damage, with no possible defense, and for Heroes, Allies, and Overlord’s characters with the Leap skill. Forecastle and Poop decks can only be accessed by their stairways. You cannot use the Climb skill to enter the Forecastle or Poop deck from the Main deck.
  6. Gangplanks: The Gangplank is considered an area, entering or exiting the Gangplank costs 1 movement point.