
Click on a model to see any hero sheets or character tiles it represents in scenarios.

Models can be sorted by:

Model Type Count
Bêlit Hero 1
Conan Hero 1
Hadrathus Hero 1
Shevatas Hero 1
Captain Leader 1
Princess / Thalis / Octavia Leader 1
Skuthus / Yazdigerd Leader 1
Zogar Sag Leader 1
Zaporavo Leader 1
Dark Demon / Evil Hound Monster 1
Giant Snake Monster 1
Khosatral Khel Monster 1
Outer Dark Demon Monster 1
Thak Monster 1
Bêlit's Guards Minions 5
Bossonian Archers Minion 5
Bossonian Guards Minion 15
Hyenas / Wolves Minion 5
Pict Hunters / Vanir Primitives Minion 15
Pirates Minion 15
Model Type Count
Amra The Lion Hero 1
N'Gora Hero 1
Valeria Hero 1
Zelata Hero 1
Conan’s Lion Monster 1
Thog Monster 1
Zelata’s Wolf Monster 1
Mummies Minion 10
Skeletons Minion 15
Model Type Count
Shentu Hero 1
Shuang Mian Leader 1
Foo Dogs Minion 5
Honor Guards Minion 5
Javelin Throwers Minion 5
Khitan Guards Minion 5
Model Type Count
Niord Hero 1
Atali Leader 1
Nijgor Monster 1
Seski Monster 1
Aesir Warriors / Aesir Zombies Minion 5
Crows Minion 5
Vanir Warriors / Vanir Zombies Minion 10
Model Type Count
Ikhmet Hero 1
Thoth-Amon Leader 1
Scorpion Broodmother Monster 1
Assassins Minion 5
Eternal Guard Minion 5
Giant Scorpions Minion 10
Model Type Count
Baal-pteor Hero 1
Conan the Conqueror Hero 1
Conan the Pirate Hero 1
Gorm Hero 1
N'Yaga Hero 1
Zenobia Hero 1
Xaltotun Leader 1
Manifestation of Mitra Monster 1
Manifestation of Yog Monster 1
Zamorian Spider Monster 1
Ballista Pirates Minion 5
Children of Gullah Minion 5
Deep Ones Minion 5
Ghouls Minion 10
Khitan Acolytes Minion 10
Pirate Archers Minion 10
Model Type Count
Nameless Horror Monster 1
Scourge of Set Monster 1
Servant of Ahriman Monster 1
Son of Set Monster 1
Winged One Monster 1
Model Type Count
Brule Hero 1
King Kull Hero 1
Thulsa Doom Leader 1
Serpent-Men Minion 10
Model Type Count
Amboola Hero 1
Balthus Hero 1
Conan - General Hero 1
Conan - Mercenary Hero 1
Conan - Wanderer Hero 1
Conan - Warlord Hero 1
Constantius Hero 1
Kerim Shah Hero 1
Olgerd Vladislav Hero 1
Pallantides Hero 1
Pelias Hero 1
Savage Bêlit Hero 1
Taurus Hero 1
Ageera Leader 1
Akivasha Leader 1
Gitara Leader 1
Hyperborean Primitive Leader 1
Khemsa Leader 1
Kothian Archer Leader 1
Natohk Leader 1
Warlock Leader 1
Bone Golem Monster 1
Camel Monster 1
Forest Demon Monster 1
Giant Scorpion Monster 1
Giant Spider Monster 1
Gray Man-Ape Monster 1
Slasher Monster 1
Swamp Demon Monster 1
Thaug Monster 1
Bossonian Guards - Alt Minion 5
Mummies - Alt 1 Minion 5
Mummies - Alt 2 Minion 5
Pict Archers Minion 5
Pict Warriors Minion 5
Pirates - Alt Minion 5
Skeletons - Alt 1 Minion 5
Skeletons - Alt 2 Minion 5
Tentacles Minion 5
Tentacles - Alt Minion 5
Model Type Count
Bêlit - Queen of the Black Coast Hero 1
Conan - The Thief Hero 1
Model Type Count
Taramis / Salome Leader 1
Valeria - Warrior Hero 1
Model Type Count
Bêlit - The Princess Hero 1
King Conan Hero 1
Model Type Count
Model Type Count
Black Dragons Minions 5
Model Type Count
The Black Ones Minions 10
Model Type Count
Crossbowmen Minion 10
Model Type Count
Demon of the Earth Monster 1
Model Type Count
Dragon Monster 1
Model Type Count
Giant Wolves / Wolves Minion 10
Model Type Count
Sabertooth Tiger Monster 1
Model Type Count
Vanir Valkyrie Hero 1
Model Type Count
Yogah of Yag Hero 1
Model Type Count
Afari Leader 1
Ghayoor Leader 1
Shafiah Leader 1
Shubba Leader 1
Model Origin Count
Bêlit Core Game 1
Conan Core Game 1
Hadrathus Core Game 1
Shevatas Core Game 1
Amra The Lion King Pledge 1
N'Gora King Pledge 1
Valeria King Pledge 1
Zelata King Pledge 1
Amboola Stretch Goal 1
Balthus Stretch Goal 1
Conan - General Stretch Goal 1
Conan - Mercenary Stretch Goal 1
Conan - Wanderer Stretch Goal 1
Conan - Warlord Stretch Goal 1
Constantius Stretch Goal 1
Kerim Shah Stretch Goal 1
Olgerd Vladislav Stretch Goal 1
Pallantides Stretch Goal 1
Pelias Stretch Goal 1
Savage Bêlit Stretch Goal 1
Taurus Stretch Goal 1
Shentu Khitai 1
Niord Nordheim 1
Ikhmet Stygia 1
Bêlit - Queen of the Black Coast Brom Guest Box 1
Conan - The Thief Brom Guest Box 1
Valeria - Warrior Paolo Parente Guest Box 1
Vanir Valkyrie Vanir Valkyrie 1
Bêlit - The Princess Xavier Collette Guest Box 1
King Conan Xavier Collette Guest Box 1
Yogah of Yag Yogah of Yag 1
Baal-pteor Conan the Conqueror 1
Conan the Conqueror Conan the Conqueror 1
Conan the Pirate Conan the Conqueror 1
Gorm Conan the Conqueror 1
N'Yaga Conan the Conqueror 1
Zenobia Conan the Conqueror 1
Brule The Shadow Kingdom 1
King Kull The Shadow Kingdom 1
Model Origin Count
Captain Core Game 1
Princess / Thalis / Octavia Core Game 1
Skuthus / Yazdigerd Core Game 1
Zogar Sag Core Game 1
Zaporavo Core Game 1
Ageera Stretch Goal 1
Akivasha Stretch Goal 1
Gitara Stretch Goal 1
Hyperborean Primitive Stretch Goal 1
Khemsa Stretch Goal 1
Kothian Archer Stretch Goal 1
Natohk Stretch Goal 1
Warlock Stretch Goal 1
Shuang Mian Khitai 1
Atali Nordheim 1
Thoth-Amon Stygia 1
Baal-pteor Baal-pteor 1
Afari Kushite Witch Hunters 1
Ghayoor Kushite Witch Hunters 1
Shafiah Kushite Witch Hunters 1
Shubba Kushite Witch Hunters 1
Taramis / Salome Paolo Parente Guest Box 1
Xaltotun Conan the Conqueror 1
Thulsa Doom The Shadow Kingdom 1
Model Origin Count
Bossonian Archers Core Game 5
Bossonian Guards Core Game 15
Hyenas / Wolves Core Game 5
Pict Hunters / Vanir Primitives Core Game 15
Pirates Core Game 15
Mummies King Pledge 10
Skeletons King Pledge 15
Bossonian Guards - Alt Stretch Goal 5
Mummies - Alt 1 Stretch Goal 5
Mummies - Alt 2 Stretch Goal 5
Pict Archers Stretch Goal 5
Pict Warriors Stretch Goal 5
Pirates - Alt Stretch Goal 5
Skeletons - Alt 1 Stretch Goal 5
Skeletons - Alt 2 Stretch Goal 5
Tentacles Stretch Goal 5
Tentacles - Alt Stretch Goal 5
Foo Dogs Khitai 5
Honor Guards Khitai 5
Javelin Throwers Khitai 5
Khitan Guards Khitai 5
Aesir Warriors / Aesir Zombies Nordheim 5
Crows Nordheim 5
Vanir Warriors / Vanir Zombies Nordheim 10
Assassins Stygia 5
Eternal Guard Stygia 5
Giant Scorpions Stygia 10
Crossbowmen Crossbowmen 10
Giant Wolves / Wolves Giant Wolves 10
Ballista Pirates Conan the Conqueror 5
Children of Gullah Conan the Conqueror 5
Deep Ones Conan the Conqueror 5
Ghouls Conan the Conqueror 10
Khitan Acolytes Conan the Conqueror 10
Pirate Archers Conan the Conqueror 10
Serpent-Men The Shadow Kingdom 10
Model Origin Count
Dark Demon / Evil Hound Core Game 1
Giant Snake Core Game 1
Khosatral Khel Core Game 1
Outer Dark Demon Core Game 1
Thak Core Game 1
Conan’s Lion King Pledge 1
Thog King Pledge 1
Zelata’s Wolf King Pledge 1
Bone Golem Stretch Goal 1
Camel Stretch Goal 1
Forest Demon Stretch Goal 1
Giant Scorpion Stretch Goal 1
Giant Spider Stretch Goal 1
Gray Man-Ape Stretch Goal 1
Slasher Stretch Goal 1
Swamp Demon Stretch Goal 1
Thaug Stretch Goal 1
Nijgor Nordheim 1
Seski Nordheim 1
Scorpion Broodmother Stygia 1
Demon of the Earth Demon of the Earth 1
Dragon Dragon 1
Sabertooth Tiger Sabertooth Tiger 1
Manifestation of Mitra Conan the Conqueror 1
Manifestation of Yog Conan the Conqueror 1
Zamorian Spider Conan the Conqueror 1
Nameless Horror Conan the Conqueror Stretch Goal 1
Scourge of Set Conan the Conqueror Stretch Goal 1
Servant of Ahriman Conan the Conqueror Stretch Goal 1
Son of Set Conan the Conqueror Stretch Goal 1
Winged One Conan the Conqueror Stretch Goal 1
Name / Stats
Character/Model Name # of Models Type Origin Character Tile(s) Hero Sheet
Aesir Warriors / Aesir Zombies 5 Minion Nordheim
Afari 1 Leader Kushite Witch Hunters
Ageera 1 Leader Stretch Goal
Akivasha 1 Leader Stretch Goal
Amboola 1 Hero Stretch Goal
Amra The Lion 1 Hero King Pledge
Assassins 5 Minion Stygia
Atali 1 Leader Nordheim
Baal-pteor 1 Leader Baal-pteor
Baal-pteor 1 Hero Conan the Conqueror
Ballista Pirates 5 Minion Conan the Conqueror
Balthus 1 Hero Stretch Goal
Bêlit 1 Hero Core Game
Bêlit - Queen of the Black Coast 1 Hero Brom Guest Box
Bêlit - The Princess 1 Hero Xavier Collette Guest Box
Bêlit's Guards 5 Minions Core Game
Black Dragons 5 Minions Black Dragons
Bone Golem 1 Monster Stretch Goal
Bossonian Archers 5 Minion Core Game
Bossonian Guards 15 Minion Core Game
Bossonian Guards - Alt 5 Minion Stretch Goal
Brule 1 Hero The Shadow Kingdom
Camel 1 Monster Stretch Goal
Captain 1 Leader Core Game
Children of Gullah 5 Minion Conan the Conqueror
Conan 1 Hero Core Game
Conan - General 1 Hero Stretch Goal
Conan - Mercenary 1 Hero Stretch Goal
Conan - The Thief 1 Hero Brom Guest Box
Conan - Wanderer 1 Hero Stretch Goal
Conan - Warlord 1 Hero Stretch Goal
Conan the Conqueror 1 Hero Conan the Conqueror
Conan the Pirate 1 Hero Conan the Conqueror
Conan’s Lion 1 Monster King Pledge
Constantius 1 Hero Stretch Goal
Crossbowmen 10 Minion Crossbowmen
Crows 5 Minion Nordheim
Dark Demon / Evil Hound 1 Monster Core Game
Deep Ones 5 Minion Conan the Conqueror
Demon of the Earth 1 Monster Demon of the Earth
Dragon 1 Monster Dragon
Eternal Guard 5 Minion Stygia
Foo Dogs 5 Minion Khitai
Forest Demon 1 Monster Stretch Goal
Ghayoor 1 Leader Kushite Witch Hunters
Ghouls 10 Minion Conan the Conqueror
Giant Scorpion 1 Monster Stretch Goal
Giant Scorpions 10 Minion Stygia
Giant Snake 1 Monster Core Game
Giant Spider 1 Monster Stretch Goal
Giant Wolves / Wolves 10 Minion Giant Wolves
Gitara 1 Leader Stretch Goal
Gorm 1 Hero Conan the Conqueror
Gray Man-Ape 1 Monster Stretch Goal
Hadrathus 1 Hero Core Game
Honor Guards 5 Minion Khitai
Hyenas / Wolves 5 Minion Core Game
Hyperborean Primitive 1 Leader Stretch Goal
Ikhmet 1 Hero Stygia
Javelin Throwers 5 Minion Khitai
Kerim Shah 1 Hero Stretch Goal
Khemsa 1 Leader Stretch Goal
Khitan Acolytes 10 Minion Conan the Conqueror
Khitan Guards 5 Minion Khitai
Khosatral Khel 1 Monster Core Game
King Conan 1 Hero Xavier Collette Guest Box
King Kull 1 Hero The Shadow Kingdom
Kothian Archer 1 Leader Stretch Goal
Manifestation of Mitra 1 Monster Conan the Conqueror
Manifestation of Yog 1 Monster Conan the Conqueror
Mummies 10 Minion King Pledge
Mummies - Alt 1 5 Minion Stretch Goal
Mummies - Alt 2 5 Minion Stretch Goal
N'Gora 1 Hero King Pledge
N'Yaga 1 Hero Conan the Conqueror
Nameless Horror 1 Monster Conan the Conqueror Stretch Goal
Natohk 1 Leader Stretch Goal
Nijgor 1 Monster Nordheim
Niord 1 Hero Nordheim
Olgerd Vladislav 1 Hero Stretch Goal
Outer Dark Demon 1 Monster Core Game
Pallantides 1 Hero Stretch Goal
Pelias 1 Hero Stretch Goal
Pict Archers 5 Minion Stretch Goal
Pict Hunters / Vanir Primitives 15 Minion Core Game
Pict Warriors 5 Minion Stretch Goal
Pirate Archers 10 Minion Conan the Conqueror
Pirates 15 Minion Core Game
Pirates - Alt 5 Minion Stretch Goal
Princess / Thalis / Octavia 1 Leader Core Game
Sabertooth Tiger 1 Monster Sabertooth Tiger
Savage Bêlit 1 Hero Stretch Goal
Scorpion Broodmother 1 Monster Stygia
Scourge of Set 1 Monster Conan the Conqueror Stretch Goal
Serpent-Men 10 Minion The Shadow Kingdom
Servant of Ahriman 1 Monster Conan the Conqueror Stretch Goal
Seski 1 Monster Nordheim
Shafiah 1 Leader Kushite Witch Hunters
Shentu 1 Hero Khitai
Shevatas 1 Hero Core Game
Shuang Mian 1 Leader Khitai
Shubba 1 Leader Kushite Witch Hunters
Skeletons 15 Minion King Pledge
Skeletons - Alt 1 5 Minion Stretch Goal
Skeletons - Alt 2 5 Minion Stretch Goal
Skuthus / Yazdigerd 1 Leader Core Game
Slasher 1 Monster Stretch Goal
Son of Set 1 Monster Conan the Conqueror Stretch Goal
Swamp Demon 1 Monster Stretch Goal
Taramis / Salome 1 Leader Paolo Parente Guest Box
Taurus 1 Hero Stretch Goal
Tentacles 5 Minion Stretch Goal
Tentacles - Alt 5 Minion Stretch Goal
Thak 1 Monster Core Game
Thaug 1 Monster Stretch Goal
The Black Ones 10 Minions Black Ones
Thog 1 Monster King Pledge
Thoth-Amon 1 Leader Stygia
Thulsa Doom 1 Leader The Shadow Kingdom
Valeria 1 Hero King Pledge
Valeria - Warrior 1 Hero Paolo Parente Guest Box
Vanir Valkyrie 1 Hero Vanir Valkyrie
Vanir Warriors / Vanir Zombies 10 Minion Nordheim
Warlock 1 Leader Stretch Goal
Winged One 1 Monster Conan the Conqueror Stretch Goal
Xaltotun 1 Leader Conan the Conqueror
Yogah of Yag 1 Hero Yogah of Yag
Zamorian Spider 1 Monster Conan the Conqueror
Zaporavo 1 Leader Core Game
Zelata 1 Hero King Pledge
Zelata’s Wolf 1 Monster King Pledge
Zenobia 1 Hero Conan the Conqueror
Zogar Sag 1 Leader Core Game