Spell Cards

Click on a spell to see the card and any scenarios it appears in.

Spells can be sorted by:

Spell Cost Scenarios
Mental Torture X 1
Push Back 1 1
Spell Cost Scenarios
Weight of the Years 2 2
Spell Cost Scenarios
Pass through Wall 1 2
Psychic Strike X 1
Stone Rain X 1
Spell Cost Scenarios
Borne by the Wind 1 3
Set’s Halo 2 13
Spell Origin Scenarios
Borne by the Wind Core Game 3
Energy Drain Core Game 8
Mind Control Core Game 6
Telekinesis Core Game 2
Teleportation Core Game 13
Barrier of the Winds Stretch Goal 0
Bel’s Caress Stretch Goal 4
Dagon’s Attack Stretch Goal 1
Drying Earth Stretch Goal 0
Inversion Stretch Goal 1
Life Transfer Stretch Goal 1
Light as a Feather Stretch Goal 0
Tears of Dagon Stretch Goal 0
Teleportation Stretch Goal 13
Push Back Khitai 1
Pass through Wall Stygia 2
Borne by the Wind Legend of the Devil in Iron 3
Spell Origin Scenarios
Kiss of Death Core Game 5
Lightning Storm Core Game 14
Mitra’s Halo Core Game 13
Pestilential Swarm Core Game 5
Bad Luck Stretch Goal 0
Divine Charisma Stretch Goal 1
Fleet Runner Stretch Goal 0
Ishtar’s Gaze Stretch Goal 0
Recall Stretch Goal 1
Shapechanger Stretch Goal 0
Stone Skin Stretch Goal 0
Ymir’s Rage Stretch Goal 1
Whirlwind Conan the Conqueror 4
Spell Origin Scenarios
Return of the Brave Stretch Goal 5
Yajur’s Awakening Stretch Goal 0
Mental Torture Khitai 1
Psychic Strike Stygia 1
Stone Rain Stygia 1
Spell Origin Scenarios
Bori’s Rage Core Game 8
Gift of Life Core Game 1
Magical Dizziness Core Game 2
Mitra’s Healing Core Game 10
Set’s Bite Core Game 12
Set’s Halo Core Game 13
Set’s Possession Core Game 5
Archer of Acheron Stretch Goal 0
Bel’s Hand Stretch Goal 0
Blessing of Ibis Stretch Goal 0
Deceleration Stretch Goal 2
Eagle Eye Stretch Goal 0
Eel Skin Stretch Goal 3
Escape Route Stretch Goal 0
Gullah’s Strength Stretch Goal 0
Hand of Death Stretch Goal 4
Lethal Cloud Stretch Goal 1
Magic Block Stretch Goal 2
Mystic Barrier Stretch Goal 0
Putrescence Stretch Goal 0
Withering Stretch Goal 4
Blaze Khitai Expansion 1
Weight of the Years Nordheim 2
Set’s Halo Legend of the Devil in Iron 13
Rending the Veil Conan the Conqueror 2
Summon Demon Conan the Conqueror 2
Ymir’s Retribution Conan the Conqueror 4
Yog’s Hunger Conan the Conqueror 8
Spell Origin Scenarios
Changing Destiny Stretch Goal 1
Set’s Illusion Stretch Goal 0
Changing Destiny Conan the Conqueror 1
Spell Origin Scenarios
Kiss of Death Core Game 5
Lightning Storm Core Game 14
Pestilential Swarm Core Game 5
Drying Earth Stretch Goal 0
Lethal Cloud Stretch Goal 1
Mystic Barrier Stretch Goal 0
Recall Stretch Goal 1
Tears of Dagon Stretch Goal 0
Blaze Khitai Expansion 1
Stone Rain Stygia 1
Spell Origin Scenarios
Mitra’s Halo Core Game 13
Pestilential Swarm Core Game 5
Set’s Halo Core Game 13
Putrescence Stretch Goal 0
Set’s Halo Legend of the Devil in Iron 13
Spell Origin Scenarios
Dagon’s Awakening Stretch Goal 0
Gwahlur’s Darkness Stretch Goal 0
Hanuman’s Body Stretch Goal 0
Jhebbal Sag’s Rage Stretch Goal 0
Set’s Blood Stretch Goal 0
Warmth of Ishtar Stretch Goal 0
Name / Stats
Spell Name Cost Limit Instant Area Blank Origin
Archer of Acheron 2 2 - - - Stretch Goal
Bad Luck 3 3 - - - Stretch Goal
Barrier of the Winds 1 1 - - - Stretch Goal
Bel’s Caress 1 2 - - - Stretch Goal
Bel’s Hand 2 2 - - - Stretch Goal
Blaze 2 2 - - Khitai Expansion
Blessing of Ibis 2 2 - - - Stretch Goal
Bori’s Rage 2 2 - - - Core Game
Borne by the Wind 1 1 - - - Core Game
Borne by the Wind 1 1 - - - Legend of the Devil in Iron
Changing Destiny 4 4 - - - Stretch Goal
Changing Destiny 4 4 - - - Conan the Conqueror
Dagon’s Attack 1 4 - - - Stretch Goal
Dagon’s Awakening - - - - Stretch Goal
Deceleration 2 2 - - - Stretch Goal
Divine Charisma 3 3 - - - Stretch Goal
Drying Earth 1 2 - - Stretch Goal
Eagle Eye 2 2 - - - Stretch Goal
Eel Skin 2 2 - - - Stretch Goal
Energy Drain 1 1 - - - Core Game
Escape Route 2 2 - - - Stretch Goal
Fleet Runner 3 3 - - - Stretch Goal
Gift of Life 2 2 - - - Core Game
Gullah’s Strength 2 2 - - - Stretch Goal
Gwahlur’s Darkness - - - - Stretch Goal
Hand of Death 2 2 - - - Stretch Goal
Hanuman’s Body - - - - Stretch Goal
Inversion 1 - - - - Stretch Goal
Ishtar’s Gaze 3 3 - - - Stretch Goal
Jhebbal Sag’s Rage - - - - Stretch Goal
Kiss of Death 3 3 - - Core Game
Lethal Cloud 2 2 - - Stretch Goal
Life Transfer 1 1 - - - Stretch Goal
Light as a Feather 1 2 - - - Stretch Goal
Lightning Storm 3 3 - - Core Game
Magic Block 2 2 - - - Stretch Goal
Magical Dizziness 2 2 - - - Core Game
Mental Torture X 3 - - - Khitai
Mind Control 1 3 - - - Core Game
Mitra’s Halo 3 3 - - Core Game
Mitra’s Healing 2 2 - - - Core Game
Mystic Barrier 2 2 - - Stretch Goal
Pass through Wall 1 1 - - - Stygia
Pestilential Swarm 3 3 - Core Game
Psychic Strike X X - - - Stygia
Push Back 1 3 - - - Khitai
Putrescence 2 2 - - Stretch Goal
Recall 3 3 - - Stretch Goal
Rending the Veil 2 2 - - - Conan the Conqueror
Return of the Brave X 5 - - - Stretch Goal
Set’s Bite 2 2 - - - Core Game
Set’s Blood - - - - Stretch Goal
Set’s Halo 2 2 - - Core Game
Set’s Halo 2 2 - - Legend of the Devil in Iron
Set’s Illusion 4 4 - - - Stretch Goal
Set’s Possession 2 4 - - - Core Game
Shapechanger 3 3 - - - Stretch Goal
Stone Rain X X - - Stygia
Stone Skin 3 3 - - - Stretch Goal
Summon Demon 2 2 - - - Conan the Conqueror
Tears of Dagon 1 2 - - Stretch Goal
Telekinesis 1 1 - - - Core Game
Teleportation 1 - - - - Core Game
Teleportation 1 - - - - Stretch Goal
Warmth of Ishtar - - - - Stretch Goal
Weight of the Years 2 2 - - - Nordheim
Whirlwind 3 3 - - - Conan the Conqueror
Withering 2 2 - - - Stretch Goal
Yajur’s Awakening X 5 - - - Stretch Goal
Ymir’s Rage 3 3 - - - Stretch Goal
Ymir’s Retribution 2 2 - - - Conan the Conqueror
Yog’s Hunger 2 2 - - - Conan the Conqueror