3 Players      3 Crows

A satisfied smile appears on the emaciated face of Pelias the Sorcerer, a mighty mage of Koth’s court. Centenary codices, discovered in the pre-human ruins of the Dagoth hill, took him to Stygia on the trail of the fabulous gem called the Heart of Ahriman. Joining forces with an old Aquilonian who, like him, wanted to find the artifact so as to shelter it; together they defeated vile servants of Set who haunted the forgotten tomb in which the Heart was buried.

To regain Khorshemish, they boarded a merchant ship sailing towards Shem. Suddenly, as their boat leaves the coast of Stygia, the look-out lets-out an alert cry. A long mortal form appeared on starboard, a serpentine and slender galley, rapidly propelled by forty oars on each side. At the top of its mast, a long scarlet pennon floats. “By Ishtar!” yells the captain, turning pale, “It’s the Tigress! The ship of this she-devil named Bêlit.”

The captain’s exhortations to the crew are in vain. No maneuver will prevent the boarding. “We are lost, the Queen of the Black Coast gives no quarter.” At these words, one glance is enough for Pelias to indicate Zelata that he has no choice but to use his most powerful invocation, but also the riskier one, so that all have a chance to defend the ship, as well as their lives.

The Last Ditch Invocation


    Uses content from:     Core Game     King Pledge     Stretch Goal     Book of Set

Winning the Game


If at least one Sailor is alive at the end of turn 6; the heroes win the game.


If all Sailors are dead before the end of turn 6; the Overlord wins the game.




Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Zelata (Dagger, Mitra’s Staff and 4 spells: Mitra’s Halo, Bori’s Rage, Teleportation, and Bel’s Caress) with Zelata’s Wolf
Pelias (Sacrificial Dagger, Heart of Ahriman and Set’s Bite, Teleportation, Set’s Halo and Hand of Death)
After setup, each hero moves 3 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The game starts with the Overlord’s turn.
The Overlord starts with 10 gems in their Reserve zone and 0 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a value of “7” in the Book of Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves any one of the following events:

Reinforcement: 3 reinforcement points .

Forced march: The Overlord choses a unit tile. All the models of this unit tile may move according to their base movement value. The Overlord can use the Movement benefit.

The River



Special Rules

Thaug: During setup, the heroes place the Tentacles models and the Thaug model as indicated by the setup diagram. The Thaug model is placed straddling the two areas to the East. These two areas are considered occupied. The heroes place Thaug’s Life Point marker on the position “8” of the turn track. The heroes place the Thaug’s tile next to their heroes’ sheets and place 4 red gems on it. The heroes place the Dagon’s Attack and Return of the Brave spell cards next to Thaug’s tile; these are the spells Thaug has.

The heroes place the Tentacles tile next to the Thaug’s tile. Thaug is immediately activated if it is on the board at the start of the heroes’ turn. It cannot move but can perform Melee Attacks and may use the red gems on its tile to cast spells.
If Thaug is on the board at the end of the heroes’ turn, the heroes move the red gems from Thaug’s spells to Thaug’s tile, then:

  • if there is at least on blue gem on the Heart of Ahriman, the heroes move this or these gems to Pelias’ Wound zone,
  • if there is no blue gem on the Heart of Ahriman, then the heroes remove The Thaug and Tentacles models from the game and flip the Heart of Ahriman card facedown.

Sailors: During setup, the heroes place the Bossonian Guards as indicated by the setup diagram. They represent the Sailors. The Sailors have an Armor Value of 1 and 1 Life point. Sailors cannot be activated nor defended but can be the target of the heroes’ attacks as well as of the Overlord Units.

Heart of Ahriman: Pelias cannot drop nor give the Heart of Ahriman. If Pelias dies, the Heart of Ahriman is destroyed.

Sacrifice: If the Heart of Ahriman card is faceup and Pelias kills a Sailor or a model of the Overlord using the Sacrificial Dagger, Pelias moves one of his blue gems to the Heart of Ahriman card. Pelias takes in priority a gem from his Fatigue zone.

Mitra’s Staff: Zelata cannot drop nor give the Mitra’s Staff. If Zelata dies, Mitra’s Staff is destroyed.
During setup, the hero controlling Zelata places 2 red gems on the Mitra’s Staff card. The hero controlling Zelata may use the gems placed on the Mitra’s Staff card only to cast spells. When the hero controlling Zelata uses these red gems, they move them from the Mitra’s Staff card to the Spell card. These gems count towards the Spell card’s Exertion Limit. The hero controlling Zelata may use both red gems from the Mitra’s Staff and their own Energy gems to cast a spell. During the End phase of the Heroes’ turn, the hero controlling Zelata moves the red gems from the Spell cards to the Mitra’s Staff card. The red gems of the Mitra’s Staff are never taken into account when calculating Zelata’s life points.

Spellbook: During the setup, the Overlord places the Lightning Storm card next to the board. When a hero picks up the Spellbook, they also place the Lightning Storm Spell card next to their hero’s sheet. That hero can now cast that spell.

Chests: During setup, the Overlord places 1 chest on the board as indicated by the setup diagram. The asset deck contains: 1 Spellbook.