3 Players      3 Crows

Akivasha has not forgotten the vigorous barbarian of the North of which she tried to feed herself in her lair, under the pyramid of Khemi. She who courted death to earn life, dead so as to be able to live forever, grew weary of the blood of priests or captive young men screaming at her feet. determined to renew her youth with Conan’s blood, and to punish the offense to Set when the Cimmerian killed one of its children and some of its priests; the ancient princess left her damned lair.

After joining Tarantia and under cover of darkness, she slips into a tavern where Conan is to join wizard friends to discuss with them his natural distrust of the magical arts. However, all are unaware that Akivasha, hidden in the shadows, has just released the most powerful and abominable sorcery from the black crypts of Stygia. A terrible spell of domination forcing all the occupants of the inn to obey her. Then, when the Cimmerian at last arrives, her rage prevails.

Gone mad by ten thousand years of an eternal life which is only an impious perversion, the fruit of Darkness and cosmic soiling; she launches into the complex invocation of a swamp demon. Seeking to extricate the monster from the Land of Mists so that it materializes here on earth to defeat Conan and exterminate all the occupants of the tavern.

For the Blood of a Barbarian


    Uses content from:     Core Game     Stretch Goal     Book of Set

Winning the Game


If the heroes prevent the invocation of the Swamp Demon, or if the Swamp Demon dies before the end of turn 8; the heroes win the game.


If the Overlord invokes the Swamp Demon and the Swamp Demon is alive at the end of turn 8; the Overlord wins the game.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn.


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Conan the General (Conan’s Sword and Scale Mail) with the Kothian Archer
Pallantides (Sword and Shield)
After setup, each hero moves 5 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 7 gems in their Reserve zone and 3 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a value of “5” in the Book of Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves any one of the following events:

Reinforcement: 2 reinforcement points .

Domination: see Special Rules

Hadrathus has 1 spell: Lightning Storm.
Zelata has 1 spell: Hand of Death.
Ageera has 1 spell: Bori’s Rage.
Akivasha has 1 spell: Return of the Brave.

The River





Special Rules

Invocation: At the end of turn 5, the Overlord removes from the board all their models located in an area of their choice where one of their model with Spell Caster is also located, including the Spell Caster’s model. The number of models removed from the board corresponds to the number of life points of the Swamp Demon. The Overlord places the Swamp Demon Life Point marker on the corresponding position of the turn track. Then, the Overlord replaces the removed Spell Caster’s tile in the River with the Swamp Demon’s tile.

Deliverance: A hero in the same area as one of the Sorcerers under Domination ( Hadrathus, Zelata and Ageera at the beginning of the scenario) may perform a complex Manipulation with a difficulty of 2 (Hadrathus, Zelata and Ageera are taken into account for Hindering) to deliver the Sorcerer from Akivasha’s hypnosis. When a Sorcerer is freed from Akivasha’s domination, the hero who performed the complex Manipulation takes the tile corresponding to the Sorcerer from the Overlord’s River as well as the Spell card linked to that Sorcerer and places them next to their hero’s sheet. From that moment, that Sorcerer is considered an Ally Sorcerer of the heroes and is controlled by the hero who just freed them. The Life Point marker of the freed Ally Sorcerer remains in the same position on the turn track.

Ally: For this scenario, when a hero activates an Ally Sorcerer, that hero may move one gem from their Reserve Zone to the Spell card linked to that Sorcerer to cast that spell, without taking into account the cost of the Spell and its exertion limit. This is the only way an Ally Sorcerer can cast a spell. Each Spell can only be cast once per Ally Sorcerer’s activation and each Ally Sorcerer can only be activated once per Heroes’ turn.

Domination: Akivasha imposes her domination over an Ally Sorcerer of the heroes. The Overlord chooses one of the Sorcerers (Hadrathus, Zelata or Ageera) in the line of sight of Akivasha, takes that Ally Sorcerer’s tile from the hero and places it in their River at the position of the Event tile before its activation (the Event tile is still moved to the right, at the end of the River). They also take the Spell card linked to that Ally Sorcerer and places it next to the Book of Skelos. The Life Point marker of the Sorcerer remains in the same position on the turn track and the Sorcerer is now considered a Unit of the Overlord.

Explosive Orb: The Overlord’s models in the area effect of the Explosive Orb have their Armor Value temporarily reduced to 0 to calculate the attack power of the Orb.

Walls: A character with Wall Wrecker cannot use it to move across an outer wall of the inn or to move between areas of different elevations.

Leaping From/Climbing a Balcony: A character can move across a railing from a balcony area to a ground floor area as though it were a border. The character rolls 2 Orange dice for falling damage. If the character has Leap, the character rolls 1 Orange die instead. A character with Climb can move across a railing from a ground floor area to a balcony area by spending 2 extra movement points.

Leaping From/Climbing a Stairwell: A character can move across a banister from a stair area to a ground floor area as though it were a border. The character rolls 2 Yellow dice for falling damage. If the character has Leap, the character rolls 1 Yellow die instead. A character with Climb can move across a banister from a ground floor area to a stair area by spending 1 extra movement point.

Bar: A character with or without Leap or Climb may move onto the Bar areas or a table area by spending 1 extra movement point. These areas provide an Elevation bonus of 1 Yellow die. A character in the bar’s area or in a table’s area, with or without Reach, may attack a character in an adjacent area with a Melee Attack. These areas do not block line of sight. A character may exit these areas with no movement penalty.

Chests: During setup, the Overlord places 3 chests on the board as indicated by the setup diagram. The asset deck contains: 1 Life Potion, 2 Bossonian Bow, and 1 Explosive Orb.