4 Players      3 Crows

The keen eye of the imposing figure scrutinizes every corner of the peaceful Brythunian village. Hidden at the edge of the forest by the dense foliage, the man formulates his plan of attack while recalling the painful circumstances that have led him so far.

Having failed to take over his city of origin by force, he was banished and forced to flee Hyperborea on pain of death. But things could not stop there. Highly skilled in necromancy and dark magic, he is determined to use his terrifying powers to take his revenge. However he now needs an army because the golem, which he has recently crafted during a macabre ritual, is not enough to march against his former city. So it is the corpses of the inhabitants of this country that will provide him with a material of top quality.

Under the cover of nightfall, the Hyperborean sorcerer and his golem swoop down on the inn, the first building on the edge of the village. Faced with these defenseless villagers, the task of the renegade promises to be easy, and he will soon be able to raise his army of undead.

Nevertheless, he hasn’t taken Conan into account, the taciturn and dangerous Cimmerian who stays here. Who, having become a general in the Aquilonian army, has been sent on mission to Brythunia accompanied by a squadron of the Black Legion.

Death from the North


    Uses content from:     Core Game     King Pledge     Stretch Goal     Book of Set

Winning the Game


If the heroes kill the Hyperborean Primitive or prevent the Overlord from killing all the pirates, Bossonian guards and archers before the end of turn 9; the heroes win the game.


If the Overlord kills all the pirates, Bossonian guards and archers before the end of turn 9; the Overlord wins the game.




Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Conan the General (Scale Mail) with 5 Pirates pirates with no base and 5 Bossonian Archers with a purple base.
Pallantides (Shield) with 5 Bossonian Guards with a red base.
N’Gora (Tribal Shield).
After setup, each hero moves 6 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The game starts with the Overlord’s turn.
The Overlord starts with 6 gems in their Reserve zone and 0 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “3” in the Book of Skelos.

When the Event tile is activated, the Overlord resolves each of the following events in order:

Gaining Ground: (see special rules).

Reinforcement: 5 reinforcement points .

Hyperborean Primitive has Pestilential Swarm and Withering.

The River



Special Rules

Pirates, Bossonian Guards and Archers: When a Pirate, or a Bossonian Guard, or a Bossonian Archer is killed, the Overlord replaces its model with a skeleton model that is placed in a laid down position in the area where the pirate or the guard or the archer was killed. If the model of the guard or archer has a base, the Overlord removes the base and fixes it to the skeleton model that replaces it. The laid down skeleton models do not count for hindering and occupied areas.

Skeletons: During setup the Overlord places the following Skeleton tiles next to the Book of Skelos: (Gray and Purple Skeleton tiles with an Armor of 1, and a Red Skeleton tile with an Armor of 0). The Overlord then places 15 skeleton models next to the board. When a skeleton is killed, the Overlord lays the skeleton down in its area rather than removing it from the board. The laid down skeleton models do not count for hindering and occupied areas.

Stygian Artifact: During setup the Overlord places the Stygian Artifact card next to the board.

Bone Golem: During setup the Overlord places the second Bone Golem tile beside the Book of Skelos. When the Bone Golem is killed the Overlord places the Stygian Artifact card in the area where the Bone Golem was killed.

Hyperborean Primitive: The Hyperborean Primitive can only be wounded by a hero carrying the Stygian Artifact. The Hyperborean Primitive cannot be wounded in any other way other than by a hero carrying the Stygian Artifact.

Leadership: An ally model activated by the heroes using Leadership can move but cannot attack. The heroes cannot use Leadership to defend an ally.

Additional Gem Reserve: During setup the Overlord places 6 red gems and the second Recovery Value tile beside the Book of Skelos.

Gaining Ground: When the Overlord activates the Event tile and resolves the Gaining Ground event, they resolve each of the following events in order:

  • The Overlord moves 2 gems from their Additional Gem Reserve to their Fatigue zone. If there are not enough gems in the Additional gem reserve, the Overlord does not move any gems to their Fatigue zone. The gems used to dredge the river are removed from the game and cannot be returned to the game with this event.

  • The Recovery value of the Overlord is increased. If the Overlord’s Recovery value is “3”, they place the Recovery Value tile with a value of “5” on the Book of Skelos. If the Overlord’s Recovery value is “5”, they place the Recovery Value tile with a value of “7” on the Book of Skelos. If the Overlord’s Recovery value is “7”, the Recovery Value tile is not changed.

  • A tile is chosen by the Overlord from the tiles put aside during setup and it is added to the end of the River. The Overlord cannot add a tile to the River if all the tiles set aside have already been added. The Overlord can add a unit tile to the River if there is at least one model on the board (laid down or standing) that corresponds to this tile.

    The tiles removed from the River when the Overlord dredges the river are removed from the game and cannot be returned to the game with this event.

Reinforcement: The Overlord can only reinforce units whose tiles are in the River. When the Overlord uses a reinforcement point, they stood up one of the laid down models on the board. If a laid down model is in an occupied area, the Overlord cannot reinforce it.

Pictish Drink: A hero may discard this item to move 2 gems from their Fatigue zone to their Reserve zone but must also suffer 1 wound.

Walls: A character with Wall Wrecker cannot use it to move across an outer wall of the inn or to move between areas of different elevations.

Leaping From/Climbing a Balcony: A character can move across a railing from a balcony area to a ground floor area as though it were a border. The character rolls 2 Orange dice for falling damage. If the character has Leap, the character rolls 1 Orange die instead. A character with Climb can move across a railing from a ground floor area to a balcony area by spending 2 extra movement points.

Leaping From/Climbing a Stairwell: A character can move across a banister from a stair area to a ground floor area as though it were a border. The character rolls 2 Yellow dice for falling damage. If the character has Leap, the character rolls 1 Yellow die instead. A character with Climb can move across a banister from a ground floor area to a stair area by spending 1 extra movement point.

Corrections / Clarifications

Item Cards: The item cards placed on the board (clockwise from upper left) are: Two-Handed Sword Pictish Drink, Sword, Life Potion, Turanian Sword, and Pictish Drink