4 Players      2 Crows

Xaltotun has awakened. He who was the High Priest of the Set religion of Python in the ancient Kingdom of Acheron has come back to life. In the three thousand years since the fall of Acheron, his destiny has inexorably linked to an extraordinary jewel which some claim is the veritable heart of a god, while others believe it to be a star fallen from the sky: The Heart of Ahriman. Exiled to Stygia, then mummified through the evil arts of the priests of Set, Xaltotun hid the heart in a haunted cave before his death and built a small temple above it. Three times the temple was rebuilt, growing ever bigger and more sumptuous, though its original purpose was forgotten. Mankind lost all knowledge of the hidden symbol, and only the sacred books and arcane works retained its memory. However, no secret lasts forever. The heart was finally stolen by bold thieves; a band of pirates, followers of the code of the Red Brotherhood and led by a Cimmerian warrior as fearsome as he was fearless. But today these scoundrels will pay the price of their daring, the price of blood, for Xaltotun cannot let such an insult go unpunished. After recruiting a crew and a band of fierce Pictish mercenaries, the former High Priest of Set has taken off in pursuit of the desecrators and intends to recover his precious artifact, no matter the cost.

The Curse of the Deep (Part 1)

Chebek Deck

Galley Deck

    Uses content from:     Core Game     Conan the Conqueror     Tales of the Red Brotherhood

Winning the Game


The Heroes win if the Overlord has dredged 4 or more unit tiles before the end of turn 8.


The Overlord wins IF fewer than 4 unit tiles have been dredged before the end of turn 8.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn.


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Xaltotun (Stygian Cloak, Kris, Summon Demon, Changing Destiny), with 2 Pirate Archers (Black),
Gorm (Spiked Mace, Spiked Shield), with 2 Pict Hunters (Blue),
Nameless Horror
After setup, each hero moves 5 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 10 gems in their Reserve zone and 3 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “5” in the Book Skelos.

When the event tile is activated the Overlord carries out the events in the following sequence:

Reinforcement: 4 reinforcement points .

Sea Legs: The crewmembers, who know their boat inside out, can predict even the slightest shift in the deck. The Overlord chooses a tile. Each of the tile’s characters can move unimpeded by hindering, and are not affected by skills that affect movement until the end of the turn.

N’Yaga has 2 spells: Yog’s Hunger and Energy Drain.

The River



Special Rules

Kill Them All: When an Overlord tile becomes a dead tile, it can no longer use Reinforcement points.

Dredging the River: As soon as a tile is dead, the Overlord must immediately dredge the river.

Servant of Ahriman: When Xaltotun uses his Summon Demon spell, he call a Servant of Ahriman, who has 1 life point.

Chests: 3 chest tokens are placed as shown on the setup diagram. The asset deck contains: Tribal Mace, Sword, and Empty Chest.

Corrections / Clarifications

Chests: There are 3 chests on the setup diagram, but their contents are not indicated in the scenario.