4 Players      2 Crows

The Tigress scours the seas and the coastal villages tremble. Preposterous legends tell of how the sea witch found a companion, a man of iron whose wrath rivals that of a wounded lion. When survivors of the plundered Stygian ships pronounce the names of Bêlit and Conan, they cast curses. However, the Tigress continues to roam the seas, devastating the southern coasts, but does not hesitate to venture further north, even beyond the lands of Shem.

There, unaware of the terrible, lurking threat, a ship flying the royal banner of Aquilonia sails toward the Khorotas River, its destination the province of Poitain. The vessel’s precious cargo, originally from the Kingdom of Kush, surely explains the one thing that separates it from all others who sail within these waters: A large garrison of Bossonian soldiers equipped to counter any act of piracy and to scuttle the ship in case of failure. The sun is just rising when the lookout gives a shout of warning. A long deadly shape approaches from the starboard side: A serpentine, tapering galley with a raised deck extending from bow to stern. Forty oars on each side propel it quickly through the water. At the very top of the mast floats a long scarlet pennant, ominous emblem of the queen of fire, steel, and carnage...along with her terrible Cimmerian lover.

Theft on the High Seas

Galley Hold

Galley Deck

    Uses content from:     Core Game     Conan the Conqueror     Tales of the Red Brotherhood

Winning the Game


The Heroes win IF they steal 5 Treasures and stow them in the two rowboats on the Main Deck before the end of turn 8.


The Overlord wins IF the Heroes have stolen fewer than 5 Treasures before the end of turn 8 OR the Overlord scuttles 5 hull sections (see special rules) before the end of turn 7.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn.


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Conan the Pirate (Atlantean Axe, Leather Armor)
Bêlit (Ornamental Spear, Tribal Shield, )
N’Yaga (Tribal Mace, Borne by the Wind, and Yog’s Hunger)
After setup, each hero moves 4 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 8 gems in their Reserve zone and 4 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of X where X equals 4 in the Book Skelos.

When the event tile is activated the Overlord carries out the events in the following sequence:

Reinforcement: 3 reinforcement points .

Violent Roll: A strong wind causes the ship to pitch. Choose and lay down a Hero miniature or an Ally in that area. The next time the Hero activates, they stand up but lose their base movement points. If any Ally is activated, the Ally loses their base movement points.

The River


Special Rules

Treasures: Treasure tokens represent riches being transported on the vessel. Heroes add up the Treasure tokens they’ve acquired at the end of the game.

Retrieve a Treasure: A Hero or Ally in an area with a Treasure token may retrieve a treasure. Heroes carry out a simple manipulation. Allies lose their attack action. The player picks up the token and places it under their miniature’s base. This token moves with the miniature. Treasure tokens may be dropped, but may not be thrown or caught. A Hero or Ally may only pick up one Treasure token at a time.

Steal a Treasure: A Hero or Ally in possession of a Treasure token in an area with a rowboat (shown on the game board) OR an adjacent area if the area with the Treasure token is occupied, successfully steals the treasure and puts it in the rowboat. Remove the token from the game board and place it next to the Hero’s sheet.

Scuttle the Ship: An Overlord unit already in an area with a token may help scuttle the ship by spending its movement AND attack actions to damage a section of the hull. Once a section of the hull has been damaged, flip the token so the number side is facing up to indicate the hull has been damaged. If 5 hull sections have been damaged when the Overlord finishes a turn, the game ends at the end of turn 7.