4 Players      2 Crows

After opting not to attend a night-time rendezvous which he suspected of being an ambush, and fleeing the Baracha Island city of Tortage, Conan finds himself enlisted in the infamous Captain Zaporavo’s crew. Throughout several weeks aboard the Wastrel, vessel of the former Zingaran grandee turned renegade and freebooter, the Cimmerian’s personality, military prowess, and seamanship have made him very popular with the crew. He has gained influence and is viewed as the true leader of the ship. While Zaporavo has underestimated this Northern barbarian, he remains nonetheless wary of the man he now views as a rival who must be taken out. Shortly after the easy capture of a peaceful merchant ship flying the Kingdom of Argos’s flag, the Zingaran captain decides to

    Uses content from:     Core Game     Conan the Conqueror     Tales of the Red Brotherhood

Winning the Game


If the ...


If the ...



The game starts with the heroes’ turn.


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Conan the Pirate (Atlantean Axe, Leather Armor)
Shevatas (Parrying Dagger, Crossbow)
Hadrathus (Kris and 3 spells: Bori’s Rage, Pestilential Swarm, Mitra’s Healing)
After setup, each hero moves 4 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 8 gems in their Reserve zone and 4 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of X where X equals 4 in the Book Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves the following event:

Reinforcement: 3 reinforcement points .

The River


Special Rules

Slaves: The numbered tokens represent the slaves. During setup, the Overlord choose where to deploy the tokens (numbered 1 through 11) number side down, as shown in the setup diagram.

When a Hero enters an area occupied by a slave token, flip the token face up. If the number is odd, it represents a slave. If the number is even, there are no slaves in that location. Remove the token from the board.

Free Slaves: A Hero can free slaves within a slave token area. To do so, they must perform a complex Manipulation with a difficulty of 2 (4 if shackled). If a Hero has the Tools equipment card, they use a complex Manipulation with a difficulty of 1. If a Hero has the Key equipment card, they use a simple Manipulation. The Lock-picking skill can be used as usual.

Shackling: An Overlord character in a hidden slave token area (number side down) can replace an Attack action with shackling. In this case, the slave token is turned over to reveal the numbered side. The base difficulty required to Free Slaves for this token becomes a difficulty of 4.

Guardian of the Keys: Captain Zaporavo has the key to free the slaves. Once he is killed, the Key equipment card falls to the ground. A Hero can pick it up using a simple Manipulation.

Chests: 3 chest tokens are placed as shown on the setup diagram. The asset deck contains: Life Potion, Anchor, and Tools.