4-5 Players      3 Crows

The siren song of ancient treasure lured the crew of the Tigress onto a fog shrouded cove. The fabled Citadel of Dagon brooded above, built into the jagged cliffs. The ship suddenly struck a reef. Bêlit cursed. Obviously, a trap. She should have been more cautious.

The crew worked into the night to free the ship. Suddenly, a hideous screech bellowed out from above followed by a terrible flapping of wings. A hapless crewman cried out and disappeared aloft, into the fog.

Bêlit and Conan quickly made for shore with a small, terrified crew. They tracked the winged horror to a cliff side cave. A smooth, algae covered stairway led down and opened up into a sprawling gallery. A foul temple of Dagon, reeking of sea creatures and leaking pungent water from every crack in the ceiling. Oily torchlight flickered, reflecting off the hijacked treasure of centuries of ships wrecked on the reefs. Forgetting the danger, the crew gasped in astonishment and started toward the treasure.

“Caution fools!” Conan hissed, but it was too late. The crew wandered into the depths of the citadel, filling their pouches with loot. It was then Conan noticed the bulbous fish eyes peering at them from the dank corners of the temple. Then the screech of the Winged One filled the gallery

Conan turned to flee the gallery. Bêlit shook off his hand clutching her wrist. The madness of greed burned in the Pirate Queen’s eyes. She would not leave until she had enough gold to pay her crew...or replace them.

Depths of the Lost Citadel

Conqueror Temple

    Uses content from:     Core Game     Conan the Conqueror     Tome of Skelos     The Hidden Chambers

Winning the Game


The Heroes win if they bring 9 points of treasure to their starting area OR Baal-pteor is killed.

If both Heroes are killed and none of the above conditions are met, the game ends in a tie.


The Overlord wins if 6 Pirates are sacrificed OR 1 Hero is Constricted and killed by Baal-pteor.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn. The heroes start in the areas indicated by the setup diagram.


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Conan the Pirate (Cutlass, Net, Stygian Cloak)
Bêlit (Zamorian Chain, Leather Armor, Dagon’s Circlet)

For thematic reasons you may wish to use the Heroes and Equipment cards from the Brom Guest Box. In that case, use the substitution suggestions below. In addition, both Heroes are considered to have the Leadership skill.

After setup, each hero moves 4 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 3 gems in their Reserve zone and 3 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “3” in the Book Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves the following event:

Lurkers: Reinforce 2 Deep Ones or 1 Deep Champion .

Water Rise: Place a Water token in an area adjacent to another Water token. Tokens are not limited to those available; use any other token as needed.

The Strangler: Activate Baal-pteor.

Dark Hero
The Winged One is controlled by either the Overlord or a fourth player. The Winged One starts in the area indicated by the setup diagram. The Winged One follows the normal rules for a Hero but activates at any point during the Overlord’s turn. The Winged One is considered an Overlord unit and cannot attack Overlord Minions or pick up Treasure tokens.
After setup, the Winged One moves 4 gems from its Reserve zone to its Fatigue zone.

The River



Special Rules

Treasure: During setup, the Overlord shuffles together four Treasure tokens with the number and four Treasure tokens with the number and randomly places the Treasure tokens as indicated on the setup diagram. A Hero must use a simple Manipulation to pick up a Treasure token. A Treasure token’s encumbrance value and point value are the number printed on them. A Treasure token may be dropped at any time and is placed in the area if a character is killed.

Game Board Rules: Standard game board rules apply. A unit may move between an area with a numbered Trap Door token and the corresponding Hidden Chamber as if it were a normal border. A unit may move between the area that contains the yellow-bordered trap door and ANY Hidden Chamber. These areas are considered adjacent and have line of sight to each other. Leaving an area with a Water token costs 2 extra movement points to leave, 1 extra for a character with Swimming. Overlord units are not affected by Water areas.

Alchemy The Winged One may move 1 gem from its Reserve zone to its Wound zone to gain Evasive until the end of the Overlord’s turn.

Door: To open the door, a Hero must use the Wall Wrecker skill on it. A Hero with Flying may cross the border with the Door token, but do not remove the token.

Water Traps: When a Treasure token with the number is flipped over, place a Water token in the area.

Greedy Pirates: The Pirates are entranced by the piles of treasure. They cannot activate or move, and do not count for hindering. Heroes may only use Leadership for Guard actions, and only on pirates who are NOT already poisoned.

Poison Skill: When a Deep One or a Deep One Champion kills a Pirate, do not remove it from the game. Instead, place a Poison token on it. Only a Pirate with a Poison token may be picked up and carried by the Winged One.

Demented Devotion: All Overlord units are determined to sacrifice to Dagon. They cannot attack a Hero until all the Pirates have Poison tokens. If the Winged One is killed, the Overlord no longer has to poison the Pirates and may attack the Heroes normally.

Sacrifice of Dagon: The Winged One must bring victims to the temple Strangler, Baal-pteor, for sacrifice. The Winged One may use a simple Manipulation to pick up a Pirate with a Poison token. Each Pirate has an encumbrance value of 3.

Altar of Dagon: The area marked is the Altar of Dagon. Baal-pteor must attack a Pirate with a Poison token on the Altar of Dagon and trigger the Constricted skill. If successful, remove the Pirate from the game and count them toward the Overlord victory. If Baal-pteor kills a Pirate in any other manner, or fails to trigger the Constricted skill, do not count them toward the Overlord victory. If the Winged One is killed, Baal-pteor may sacrifice Pirates with a Poison token outside of the altar room.