5-6 Players      2 Crows

The wizard Xaltotun has captured Korum-ta, the son of Gorm, a powerful Pict chieftain, and is holding him hostage in exchange for the Panther clan joining Xaltotun’s growing army. Angered beyond rage, Gorm did something no Pictish chief had done before: he reached out to the king of Aquilonia to form an alliance on condition that the Aquilonians help rescue Korum-ta.

King Conan and Queen Zenobia, eager for peace on their western front, travel with their retinue to Akanu in the western region of the Bossonian Marches where their spies indicated activity in an old abandoned fortress. Sure enough, they find Korum-ta unguarded save for a mystical field of energy imprisoning him.

It isn’t long before Gorm arrives with his army of Pict hunters, and together they attempt to solve the riddle of releasing Korum-ta. Just as Gorm’s scouts call out their discovery of three altars in the fortress towers, beasts scale the ramparts and slaughter all but those in the courtyard.

From the collapsed tower, Xaltotun’s voice echoes out. “Your disobedience has cost me an army, Gorm, but gained me something better. Revenge! Conan, there will be no escape this time!”

Ambush in Akanu

Abandoned Fort

    Uses content from:     Core Game     Conan the Conqueror     Tome of Skelos

Winning the Game


The Heroes win if one or more Heroes have fled the Abandoned Fort with Korum-ta before the end of turn 8.


The Overlord wins if Korum-ta remains in the Abandoned Fort at the end of turn 8. A massive force of Ghouls overwhelm the Heroes.




Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Conan the Conqueror (Atlantean Axe, Mantle of Gullahr, Spiked Shield)
Zenobia (Cutlass, Leather Armor, Throwing Knives)
Gorm (Sword, Spiked Mace, Chain Mail)
Hadrathus (Parrying Dagger, Stygian Cloak, Yog’s Hunger, Mitra’s Halo, Rending the Veil)
(Elite Ballista, 3 Bossonian GuardsPict Hunters)
After setup, each hero moves 3 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The game starts with the Overlord’s turn. The heroes start in the areas indicated by the setup diagram.
The Overlord starts with 4 gems in their Reserve zone and 6 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “5” in the Book Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves the following event:

Reinforcement: 6 reinforcement points .

Xaltotun has Summon Demon (Nameless Horror) and Ymir’s Retribution.
Dark Hero
Once summoned, the Nameless Horror is controlled by either the Overlord or a sixth player. Use the Nameless Horror Hero sheet rather than an Overlord tile. If the Nameless Horror is controlled by a sixth player, that player is a member of the Overlord’s and shares the Overlord’s win condition.

The River


Special Rules

Energy Prison: Korum-ta is imprisoned in an energy field . To remove the energy field, the Heroes must release the three spells maintaining its power. To release a spell, a Hero must be in the area of the spell’s source and spend 1 gem on a simple Manipulation. Once all three spells have been released, remove the energy field token and place a Pict Hunter miniature with a red base in the area to represent Korum-ta.

Korum-ta: Korum-ta is unconscious, counts as an object with an encumbrance value of 6, and can be picked up by a Hero with a simple manipulation. Korum-ta has 2 life points, 1 armor, and cannot be targeted while being carried.

Summoning the Nameless Horror: When Xaltotun summons the Nameless Horror, place the model in Xaltotun’s area. Whenever the Nameless Horror is summoned, it has all its gems in its Reserve zone. The Nameless Horror is dismissed at the end of the round unless the Overlord leaves 2 gems on the Summon Demon card. The Overlord can dismiss the Nameless Horror at any time by moving those gems to the Fatigue zone. If the Nameless Horror is dismissed or dies, it drops any objects it was carrying in its area.

Activating the Nameless Horror: After the Overlord finishes their turn each Round, the Nameless Horror takes its turn. The Nameless Horror does not suffer the effects of unarmed penalty, but may equip and use weapons like a Hero. The Nameless Horror does not recover gems as normal. Instead, it must use a free action during its activation to consume an Overlord-controlled minion it can access with its Reach skill. Each minion consumed in this manner restores 1 gem from its Fatigue zone to its Reserve zone. There is no limit to the number of times the Nameless Horror can use this free action. Consumed minions may NOT use Attack from Beyond. Remove consumed minions from the game board once eaten.

Doors: A Hero in an area adjacent to a door can perform a complex Manipulation with a difficulty of 3 to pick the lock. Overlord units may freely move through doors. In either case, whenever any unit moves through a door, remove the door from the game board.

Fleeing the Abandoned Fort: A hero can flee the Abandoned Fort from an area at the edge of the game board by spending movement points as though moving across a border and removing the Hero’s miniature from the game board. Once a Hero has fled, the Hero’s miniature cannot be returned to the game board.

Game Board Rules: Standard game board rules apply. Despite its base size, the Nameless Horror can fit into any area. Refer to the Heroes’ Book or the Map clarification for Falling Damage if jumping from the fort walls.

Chests: The asset deck contains: 1 Anchor, 1 Khitan Staff and 1 Nemedian Poniard.

Corrections / Clarifications

Game Board Rules: The Nameless Horror can stop on any area if it is alone on it. It can cross any un-occupied area even if it is not alone on it (see Large Miniatures - Tome of Skelos p.3), and it has the Flying skill. It can stop on an area with other miniatures , if the area is large enough to hold all of them ( see Occupied Areas – Heroes’ Book p.22)