5 Players      2 Crows

N’Yaga, once a companion of Conan’s, has awakened an ancient evil by meddling with the Heart of Ahriman. Now, he is in the thrall of Xaltotun and must help the ancient Pythonian in his quest for vengeance. Accompanied by Baal-pteor and Shevatas from beyond the grave, this group of once-dead villains enter the forbidden temple of Asura to kill Hadrathus and exact their revenge.

Hadrathus knows the deadly power held within that glowing gem, and magically seals himself in his chambers. From there, he coordinates the temple’s traps and defenses while the high priestess and her faithful acolytes fend off the intruders.

Shadow from Acheron

Conqueror Citadel

    Uses content from:     Core Game     Conan the Conqueror     Tome of Skelos

Winning the Game


The Heroes win if Xaltotun enters the room containing Hadrathus while in possession of the Stygian Artifact (Heart of Ahriman) before the end of turn 7.


The Overlord wins if Xaltotun is prevented from entering the room containing Hadrathus while in possession of the Stygian Artifact (Heart of Ahriman) until the end of turn 7 OR Xaltotun is killed before the end of turn 7.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn. The heroes start in the areas indicated by the setup diagram.


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Xaltotun (Stygian Artifact, Parrying Dagger, Set’s Halo, Mind Control), 2 Bossonian Guards (Blue), 2 Bossonian Guards (Red)
Baal-pteor (Chain Mail, Akbitanan Sword)
Shevatas (Leather Armor, Cutlass, Nemedian Poniard, Throwing Knives)
N’Yaga (Tribal Mace, Mitra’s Healing, Whirlwind, Yog’s Hunger)
After setup, each hero moves 5 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 6 gems in their Reserve zone and 6 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “5” in the Book Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves any one of the following events:

Reinforcement: The Overlord gains 4 reinforcement points .

Collapse: Rubble falls from the ceiling, dealing damage to everyone in the area. The area now requires 1 extra movement point to enter and exit for anyone without Climb. Use a Boulder token to mark these areas. The Overlord has 3 tokens to use.

Barricade: A barricade token falls from the ceiling that blocks movement and lines of sight until it is destroyed or opened via Wall Wrecker. Place a barricade token on the border of any area or doorway. Barricades extend across the entire border, no matter how long, and never cover more than one border, no matter how short. Barricades have 2 armor, 4 health, and are removed from the game when destroyed. The Overlord has 3 tokens to use.

Animated Statue of Asura: Add the Manifestation of Mitra tile to the end of the River. It may now be activated.

The River



Special Rules

Hadrathus: Hadrathus does not activate or move.

Thalis: When Thalis activates, she may steal the Stygian Artifact from anyone in her area (or pick it up from the floor), but she must immediately give it to an Acolyte in her area or adjacent area or else she drops it. Fascination protects her from all spell effects.

Climbing: A character with Climb can move through an area with a Boulder token as though it were a normal area.

Doors: All doors require a complex Manipulation with a difficulty of 4 (or Wall Wrecker) to open, except for the door leading to Hadrathus, which can only be opened with the Key. Overlord units can move through a door by removing it for 1 extra movement point.

Manifestation of Mitra: The Manifestation of Mitra represents a statue of Asura. Until the statue is animated through an event, it does not activate, cannot be harmed, and does not count toward hindering.

Acolytes: Cannot trade or pick up the Stygian Artifact, but may carry it if given by Thalis. If killed, an Acolyte carrying the Stygian Artifact will drop it in the area where he was killed.

Game Board Rules: Standard game board rules apply.

Moving Through Secret Passages:

Chests: The asset deck contains: Key, Empty Chest, Life Potion.

Corrections / Clarifications

Xaltotun [...] 2 Bossonian Guards (Blue), 2 Bossonian Guards (Red): The Guards’ colour has no influence in this scenario; the standard Allies rules apply.

Doors: An Overlord unit moved by a Hero via Mind Control spell cannot open a door for 1 extra movement point as if it were controlled by the Overlord

Khitan Acolytes / Attack from Beyond: A unit that uses the Attack from Beyond skill can do so against any unit within Melee range, regardless of the cause of its death (it may have been killed by an enemy miniature, by a fall, or any other cause). This applies to all scenarios, unless otherwise specified