5 Players      3 Crows

Zingara is a proud and powerful country, bordering the great western sea. Yet for many years, even though the country is endowed with fertile land, the king and his ancestors before him have had their eyes riveted on the rich country of Poitain situated on the other side of the river Alimane. This province, owned by Aquilonia, is geographically separated from the rest of their kingdom by a chain of mountains in the North, whereas only the Alimane separates it from Zingara.

Although he hesitates in declaring open war, the envious monarch has decided to test the defenses and the resistance of the province by organizing a raid led by a company of mercenaries. What better than to entrust the command to a renegade seeking redemption. Captain Zaporavo, a former buccaneer, will make the perfect sacrificial hero without the risk of officially incriminating Zingara.

The objectives given to the mercenaries are twofold, firstly to spread confusion, then to get rid of the troops posted at the border of the two countries. For this, Zaporavo has recruited formidable wizards and assassins, acquaintances met during his buccaneering years. With their help, he intends to destroy the main Aquilonian border post and to eradicate the garrison occupying the citadel built nearby. A mission more than perilous, but one that will assure him fortune and glory.

Sacrificial Heroes

Pict Village


    Uses content from:     Core Game     Stretch Goal     Book of Set

Winning the Game


If the heroes destroy the outpost or sabotage the citadel before the end of turn 8; the heroes win the game.


If the Overlord prevents the heroes from destroying the outpost and sabotaging the citadel before the end of turn 8; the Overlord wins the game.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn.


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Zogar Sag (Black Staff, 2 Pictish Drinks, Recall, Set’s Halo, Set’s Bite, and Bel’s Caress) and 2 Pict Warriors.
Zogar Sag starts with Set’s Halo cast.
Thak (Parrying Dagger)
Skuthus (Sacrificial Dagger, Life Potion, Elixir, Hand of Death, Life Transfer, Return of the Braves, and Lightning Storm)
Zaporavo (Pirate Saber) and 2 Pirates
After setup, each hero moves 4 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 8 gems in their Reserve zone and 4 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “7” in the Book of Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves the following event:

Reinforcement: 4 reinforcement points (see special rules).

The River





Special Rules

Two Fronts: During setup, the Overlord places the two boards next to each other. The action in this scenario happens in two distant locations and at two different moments in time. The events played on the citadel board happen before the action played out on the outpost board. The resolution of certain actions on the citadel board will have an impact on the actions and units on the outpost board. The two boards are separate and are not joined. The models in an area on one board cannot move to an area on the other board.

Bossonian Guards: When the Overlord activates the blue Bossonian Guard tile, all the Bossonian Guard models with a base (of any color) are activated on both game boards. All the Bossonian Guards with a blue and green bases are therefore activated. When the Overlord activates the gray Bossonian Guard tile, all the Bossonian Guard models without a base on both boards are activated.

Reinforcement: The Overlord can bring reinforcements into play in any reinforcement area, on any board. For example reinforcements can be bought into play during the activation of the event tile, on the citadel board and on the outpost board.

Return of the Braves: Skuthus can only reinforce Pirates. He cannot reinforce Pict Warriors.

Pict Warriors: Only Zogar Sag can use Leadership to activate and defend the Pict Warriors.

Pirates: Only Zaporavo can use Leadership to activate and defend the Pirates.

Destroying the outpost: The outpost is considered destroyed when the huts numbered 1 to 6 on the setup diagram are destroyed.

Destroying a hut: A hero next to, or inside, a numbered hut area can target it by performing a Melee Attack. If the hero obtains at least 6 successes during the same attack (4 successes if the maps have been stolen, see Stealing the Maps special rule) the hut is destroyed. If an orb is exploded in a numbered hut area, the hut is also the target of the area attack. An Overlord unit with Sacrifice, who is in the same area as the hero attacking the hut, can use this skill to protect the hut. When a hut is destroyed, the Overlord places a token on the hut area. If a chest is in same area as a destroyed hut the Overlord removes the chest token from the game. If a model is in the same area as a destroyed hut they suffer an attack of 2 Red dice with no possible reroll (all defenses are possible).

Destroyed Hut: An area with a destroyed hut completely blocks the lines of sight that cross it. To enter an area with a destroyed hut costs an additional movement point, with or without Climb.

Sabotaging the Citadel: During setup the Overlord places the tokens numbered 1 to 3 on the citadel board as shown on the setup diagram. The citadel is considered sabotaged if the weapons are destroyed, the supplies are poisoned and the outpost maps are stolen.

Destroying the Weapons: A hero in the same area as the token can perform a Melee Attack to destroy the weapons. It is not possible for the Overlord units to use SacrificeSacrifice to protect the weapons. If the hero obtains at least 4 successes during the same attack, the weapons are destroyed. The token is then removed from the game. When the weapons are destroyed, and for the rest of the game, the Melee Attack value of the Bossonian Guards on the outpost board is reduced to 1 Orange die.

Poisoning the Supplies: A hero with the Elixir equipment card and in the same area as the token can poison the supplies by performing a simple Manipulation. The Elixir card and the token are then removed from the game. When the supplies are poisoned, and for the rest of the game, the Armor value of the Bossonian Guards on the outpost board is reduced to 1.

Stealing the Maps: During setup the Overlord places the Spellbook equipment card next to the citadel board. A hero in the same area as the token can steal the maps by performing a complex Manipulation with a difficulty of 3. If the hero succeeds, they take the Spellbook card and the token is removed from the game. The maps are considered as stolen after a hero with the Spellbook card has fled the citadel. As soon as the maps are stolen, and for the rest of the game, the number of necessary successes to destroy a hut is reduced to 4.

Fleeing the citadel: A hero can flee the citadel from an area outside the citadel to the west of the board, or from one of the citadel entrance areas to the north and south of the board, by spending movement points as though the hero were moving across a border and removing the hero’s model from the board. Once a hero has fled, the hero’s model cannot be returned to the board.

Pictish Drink: A hero may discard this item to move 2 gems from their Fatigue zone to their Reserve zone but must also suffer 1 wound.

Leaping From/Climbing a Balcony: A character can move across a railing from a balcony area to a ground floor area as though it were a border. The character rolls 2 Yellow dice for falling damage. If the character has Leap, the character rolls 1 Yellow die instead. A character with Climb can move across a railing from a ground floor area to a balcony area by spending 2 extra movement points.

Pit: A character must spend 1 extra movement point to move out of the pit area.

Hut Flaps: A character must spend 1 extra movement point to move across a border into or out of a hut. Moving across an opening token does not cost an extra movement point.

Climbing: A character with Climb can move across boulders as though they were a border by spending 2 extra movement points.

Wooden Huts: A character with Wall Wrecker can use it to move across the wall of one of the wooden huts.

Chests: During setup, the Overlord makes 2 different Equipment card decks. One for the chests on the citadel board, called the Citadel asset deck, and the other deck for the chests on the outpost board, that is called the Outpost asset deck.

Citadel Chests: During setup, the Overlord places 3 chests on the board as indicated by the setup diagram. The Citadel asset deck contains: 1 Explosive Orb, 1 Life Potion and 1 Turanian Sword.

Outpost Chests: During setup, the Overlord places 5 chests on the outpost board as indicated by the setup diagram. The Outpost asset deck contains: 2 Explosive Orbs, Life Potion, 1 Sword, and 1 Tribal Mace.