4 Players      2 Crows

The echo of an earth-shattering explosion fades as chunks of rubble smashed and ricocheted into the courtyard. Thick smoke billowed from the gaping hole that moments ago was a fortified iron gate. “Steal yourselves, men!” Conan called from the opposite ramparts. Nervous soldiers, plastered with dust and soot, slowly rose from cover and tightened the grip of their weapons.

A green aura glowed in the tower behind them as sorcerers recited ancient incantations. As the light reached the granite statue of Mitra in the courtyard below, debris dislodged from joints dormant for centuries. The divine fury of a benevolent deity pushed beyond the limits of mercy slowly came to life, incarnate in living stone. Conan loathed sorcery, but these were desperate times.

As the dust cloud thinned, an enormous slithering horror loomed where the iron gate once stood. All the horror of Acheron manifest itself in that writhing mound of flesh. The avatar of Yog, the cannibal god, lashed out with its greedy tentacles, snatching soldiers and dashing their brains upon the walls.

Conan stood upon the wall, senses reeling as the horrid entity trundled into the courtyard. “Crom,” he gasped, fighting to quash the urge to flee that welled up in any man when confronted with such extraterrestrial otherness. Thews tightened, his senses cleared. He knew what to do. Drawing his sword, Conan shouted, “Courage, men! There’s nothing in the Universe that cold steel won’t cut.”

The Staggering Gods

Abandoned Fort

    Uses content from:     Core Game     Conan the Conqueror     Tome of Skelos

Winning the Game


The Heroes win the game if they kill the Manifestation of Yog.


The Overlord wins if they kill the Manifestation of Mitra.




Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Conan the Conqueror (Conan’s Sword, Scale Mail), Commands 2 Ballista Pirates, 2 Bossonian Guards
Hadrathus (Nemedian Poniard and Ymir’s Retribution)
N’Yaga (Ornamental Spear, Magical Dizziness, and Mitra’s Healing) 9

Pelias or Zelata can substitute for N’Yaga or Hadrathus.
Conan the General or Amra can substitute for Conan.

After setup, each hero moves 4 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The game starts with the Overlord’s turn. The heroes start in the areas indicated by the setup diagram.
The Overlord starts with 10 gems in their Reserve zone and 0 gems in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “5” in the Book Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves the following event:

Relentless Fanatics: The Overlord get 6 reinforcement points . Only 1 miniature may be placed in a Reinforcement area. All reinforcements may immediately move using their movement points. The Overlord may not spend gems to increase this move.

Xaltotun has Yog’s Hunger, Rending the Veil, and Whirlwind.

The Warlock can substitute for Xaltotun.

The River



Special Rules

Aura of Mitra: To activate the Manifestation of Mitra as an Ally (using normal Ally rules) or use the Guard action for the Manifestation of Mitra, a Hero must have Spell Caster and be in the area with the energy marker . Only one Hero may activate the Manifestation of Mitra per turn.

Divine Fury: The Hero activating the Manifestation of Mitra can use its Wall Wrecker skill (spending gems as necessary) to attack the Manifestation of Yog. Roll the Manifestation of Mitra’s Attack dice. Each die with at least 2 symbols deducts 1 point from the Manifestation of Yog’s amor value. Then the Hero moves the Manifestation of Yog into an adjacent area of their choice, regardless of the damage.

Ethereal Attack: Once per turn, the Manifestation of Yog can use its intangible skill to attack the Manifestation of Mitra when moving into or out of an area with the Manifestation of Mitra. Roll the Manifestation of Yog’s Attack dice. Each die with at least 2 symbols deducts 1 from the Manifestation of Mitra’s Armor value. Then the Overlord moves Manifestation of Mitra into an adjacent area of their choice, regardless of the damage.

Staggering Gods: When a Manifestation is forced into a parapet area marked by another Manifestation, place a Boulder token in the area. It is now considered a Rockslide area. Only 1 can be placed in the area. Place a Wrecked Wall token on any courtyard wall, door, tower wall border that was crossed.

Guard Action: The Overlord and the Hero commanding a Manifestation may spend gems to Guard against damage to their Manifestation’s Armor value. During a Guard action, each die that shows 2 symbols reduces the amount of Armor damage received by 1.

Fortified Doors: Door cost 1 extra movement point to move through. Remove the door token after it is moved through.

There’s nothing in the Universe that cold steel won’t cut: A Manifestation cannot be damaged until its Armor value has been reduced to 0. At that point, reset its Amor value to 2 and now it may be damaged normally by any unit.

Yog’s Hunger: Damage from Yog’s Hunger directly reduces the Manifestation of Mitra’s Armor value by the number of symbols rolled.

Rock Slides: A character can move into a rock slide area from an adjacent area. The character must spend 2 extra movement points unless the character has Climb.

Chest: During setup, the Overlord places 4 chests on the board as indicated by the setup diagram. The asset deck contains: 2 Heavy Spear, 2 Conan’s Great Sword, 1 Spiked Mace, 1 Khitan Staff.

Corrections / Clarifications

Divine Fury: When the Manifestation of Mitra uses Wall Wrecker with this special rule, it can push the Manifestation of Yog to an adjacent area of its choice, even if it has to go through a stone wall (see Staggering Gods special rule). This can on ly happen in this specific case. Apart from that, normal Allies’ Activatio n rules apply (cost in gems) as well as normal Wall Wrecker rules (cost in movement points), and the Manifestation of Mitra is affected by Hindering. Divine Fury occurs during the movement of the Manifestation of Mitra, which can then perform a normal attack. Divine Fury only reduces the Manifestation of Yog’s Armor value, it does not cause damage.

Ethereal Attack: When the Manifestation of Yog uses Intangible with this special rule, this does not cost gems (unless the Overlord spends gems for a Movement Benefit ). For example, if the Manifestation of Yog is in an area adjacent to the Manifestation of Mitra, this will only cost 1 movement point. See also Clarification o n Divine Fury, above.

“There’s nothing in the Universe cold steel won’t cut”: Once reduced to 0, Armor remains at 2 for the rest of the game and cannot be reduced by Divine Fury or E thereal Attack. But Divine Fury and Ethereal Attack can still be used to push a Manifestation.

Yog’s Hunger: This special rule no longer applies after the Manifestation of Mitra’s Armor value is reduced to 0 and reset to 2. However, Yog’s Hunger can still be used normally on any enemy unit .

Rockslide Areas: This special rule replaces the standard game board rule.