3 Players      1 Crow

With Akivasha's cruel kiss drying on his neck, Conan the Cimmerian plunges deeper into the nighted halls of the dead. But what brings the King of Aquilonia to these labyrinthine depths beneath black-walled Khemi? After all, a man of the north has as much cause to visit a Stygian city as a wolf does a pit of snakes. But somewhere in this crypt, among the remains of long-dead kings, queens, and generals of ancient Stygia, lies the heart of Ahriman--an uncanny bloodstone of the Acheronian Empire and King Conan's only hope of regaining his throne.

Knowing the Heart is near, he stalks closer, noting the black robes and flashing blades of the acolytes surrounding an altar. On top of this lie the mummified remains of Thothmekri--an adept of the Black Ring--stirring with unnatural life, bathed in the ruby glow of a great jewel burning upon his breast. One of the robed priests looms over the altar, chanting strange words and raising his hands in exultation...

But the incantation is never finished.

In the Halls of the Dead

Conqueror Temple

    Uses content from:     Core Game     Conan the Conqueror     Tome of Skelos

Winning the Game


The Heroes win the game if Conan and Thothmekri reach area before the end of turn 8.


The Overlord wins the game immediately if they kill at least one Hero, or if both Heroes have NOT reached area by the end of turn 8.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn. The heroes start in the areas indicated by the setup diagram.


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Conan the Pirate (Atlantean Axe, Chain Mail)
Xaltotun (Parrying Dagger, Spells: Yamir’s Retribution, Yog’s Hunger, Mitra’s Healing, Telekinesis, Set’s Halo)
Xaltotun starts with Set’s Halo cast.
After setup, each hero moves 0 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 6 gems in their Reserve zone and 2 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “3” in the Book Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord may complete one or both parts of the Event in the following sequence.

Reinforcements: The Overlord gains 4 reinforcement points .

Crumbling Crypt: This crypt is ancient and unstable. When the Event is activated, after any reinforcements have been placed, place a Boulder or a Web token in any area to denote falling debris. All units in that area suffer 1 unavoidable damage. Any unit leaving an area with a Boulder/Web token must spend an additional movement point for each Boulder/Web token in the area. This is not considered Hindering. Xaltotun may target Boulder/Web tokens using the Telekinesis spell as if the token was an item, but rather than giving the token to Xaltotun as you would an item, remove the token from play.

Demon of the Earth can be substituted for the Giant Snake.

The River


Special Rules

Thothmekri: Use Xaltotun’s Hero sheet to represent Thothmekri, a mummified high priest of Set. As the scenario begins, the Heart of Ahriman has just been placed on his breast and he has partially returned to life. Thus, he is unable to leave the area in which he begins play until Conan enters and performs a simple Manipulation to wrest the jewel from his body. Once the jewel has been removed, Thothmekri can move freely. The Heart of Ahriman has no other mechanical purpose in this scenario. Players may wish to use an alternative miniature to represent Thothmekri such as Natohk, Thoth-Amon, or a Mummy, but that is purely optional.

Key/Door: Both doors require the key to open. A Hero with the key may open a door by performing a simple Manipulation.

The Barricade: The Barricade (palisade token) is destroyed after it receives 3 damage. Alternatively, Conan may use Wall-wrecker to pass through. Once he is on the other side, remove the palisade token.

Corrections / Clarifications

Thotmekri: As long as Conan has not removed the jewel from his body, Thothmekri cannot perform Move actions, but he can perform any other type of action (such as Casting a spell).

Item Cards: The item cards placed on the board (left to right) are: Key, Life Potion, and Javelin