4 Players      1 Crow

The doomed crew had made a bold stand. They lay, feathered thoroughly with pirate arrows. Heavily armed mercenaries and port thugs were boarding the sinking ship ready to claim their prize; a stowaway Vendhyan princess.

Conan and his companions had embarked on a ship sailing from Ahgrapur and, not two days into the voyage, the stowaway was discovered. She told a harrowing tale of escaping the relentless advances of a petty noble, the satrap of an insignificant city state.

The princess fled, using her jewelry and her charm to reach Ahgrapur. Out of jewels and out of ideas she had stolen onto the ship only to be discovered amidst the cargo. Shortly thereafter black sails appeared on the horizon. A slaver’s ship, out of Khawarism, in dogged pursuit.

The jilted suitor had spent enough money, or enough sorcery, to convince these sea dogs to spill their lives in his service. Their glazed eyes strongly suggested sorcery.

Conan quickly realized the pirates’ objective; the princess. He wrenched his sword free from a twitching pirate corpse and cursed; “The devil take that woman and my blade will take the rest!”

The Devil Take that Woman


    Uses content from:     Core Game     Conan the Conqueror     Tome of Skelos

Winning the Game


The Heroes win if the Princess is on the ship that the Heroes start the game on at the end of turn 6.

The Princess wins if she is in a water area at the end of turn 6. She is equally disgusted with both sides.


The Overlord wins if the Princess is on the ship that Skuthus starts the game on at the end of turn 6.




Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Conan the Pirate (Conan’s Great Sword, Buckler)
Bêlit (Zamorian Chain, Nemedian Poniard, Chain Mail)
Shevatas (Cutlass, Throwing Knives)

Valeria or Amboola can substitute for Bêlit.
Zenobia can substitute for Shevatas.

After setup, each hero moves 0 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The game starts with the Overlord’s turn. The heroes start in the areas indicated by the setup diagram.
The Overlord starts with 3 gems in their Reserve zone and 7 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “5” in the Book Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves the following event:

Reinforcement: The Overlord gains 3 reinforcement points .

Skuthus has the following Spells: Telekinesis and Mind Control.

The Overlord may substitute Khemsa (with 7 Life Points) for Skuthus.

The River



Special Rules

Set Up: Place 3 Wrecked Wall tokens and Anchor equipment card on the as indicated on the set-up diagram. Place the Princess tile on the table for reference.

Princess: On the Heroes’ turn, a player may move the Princess using the movement points listed on her tile if there are no Overlord units in her area. Her movement may not be increased by a Movement Bonus. The Princess may never be attacked.

Rescuing the Princess: A Hero in the same area as the Princess may use a simple manipulation to pick her up and carry her. Give the Princess’ Life Point token to the Hero that is carrying her. The Princess has an encumbrance value of 3.

Capturing the Princess: Whenever an Overlord unit moves into the Princess’ area, The Princess is automatically captured and is immediately moved along with the Overlord unit. If a Hero was carrying the Princess, they must give her life point token to the Overlord.

Leap: Any character with the Leap skill may move the Princess with them when they perform a Leap. If a character fails their Leap, place them (and the Princess, if they were carrying her) into the area that they were trying to Leap across.

Telekinesis: Skuthus can use Telekinesis to move the Princess, even if she is being carried, into any area adjacent to her present position or to move the Princess across a Leap area.

Elite Ballista: When the Elite Ballista attacks place a Wall Wrecker token in the ship area of the Hero that was targeted.

Wall Wrecker Tokens: An area with a Wall Wrecker token does not cost extra to move into, however it costs 2 extra movement points to leave. If a character has Swimming it only costs 1 extra movement point. A character may also use their Leap (1) skill to move across the area. Only 1 Wall Wrecker token may be in any area. Wall Wrecker tokens are not limited to those available; use other tokens as needed.

Water Areas: The Water areas around the Ships do not cost extra to move into, however it costs 2 extra movement points to move out of. If a character has the Swim skill it only costs 1 extra movement point. The Princess can be moved into a Water area.

Chests: The asset deck contains: Spiked Shield and 3 Life Potion.