5 Players      2 Crows

“Before Arus, well-meaning servant of Mitra, came unto the Picts there existed no word for “subtlety” in the Pictish tongue.” - The Nemedian Chronicles

Gorm and his tribal warriors have traveled down the Black River into the Zingaran borderland. The Pict leader is young and fierce, but his heart desires iron weapons, for such a thing would surely secure his hold on power. In some unnamed town, he lurks outside a ramshackle inn with three highly trained mercenaries on a special mission: kidnap a Cimmerian who is said to have knowledge of weaponsmithing.

Gorm learned of the weaponsmith from another Cimmerian, a wanderer looking to make a quick handful of coins. To aid them in capturing the man alive, Gorm enlisted the aid of another mercenary, a devotee of a mysterious sect specializing in unarmed combat. The final mercenary, a woman claiming royal blood who rebelled against the pampered life to become a rogue, had already entered the inn, promising to persuade the Cimmerian to come willingly or sedate him if that failed.

“Where is the signal?” Gorm growled, fingering his mace.

“Patience, Gorm,” the warrior replied. “She has only been inside a moment.”

“The woman takes too long - we take what we want, NOW!” With a roar, the Pictish chief charged the door, shattering it inwards to the surprise of the pirates gathered therein, and to the dismay of Octavia among then, separated from her allies.

The Riddle of Diplomacy


    Uses content from:     Core Game     Conan the Conqueror     Tome of Skelos

Winning the Game


The Heroes win if they exit the board with Conan the Pirate alive, at the end of turn 7.


The Overlord wins if Conan the Pirate is still on the game board at the end of turn 7 OR if all the Heroes are dead by the end of turn 7.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn. The heroes start in the areas indicated by the setup diagram.


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Gorm (Spiked Mace, Tribal Mace)
Baal-pteor (Caestus, Buckler)
Octavia (Cutlass, Nemedian Poniard)
Conan (Conan’s Sword, Zamorian Chain)
After setup, each hero moves 4 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 7 gems in their Reserve zone and 5 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “5” in the Book Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves the following event:

Reinforcement: The Overlord gains 4 reinforcement points .

The River



Special Rules

Take Him Alive: Conan the Pirate represents the Cimmerian weaponsmith. Conan the Pirate may be damaged as normal until his final life point, which must be dealt via unarmed combat to render him unconscious. If not, the Heroes fail. Once unconscious, a Hero may pick him up with a simple Manipulation. Conan the Pirate’s encumbrance value is 6.

Bestial Invasion: The Haunter of the Pits, captured by the pirates for a Zingaran collector of rare wildlife, is agitated by the sounds of battle. At the beginning of every Overlord turn, before any other action, he will attack the interior door. Only reroll blank results. The door has 1 armor and 5 life points.
At the start of every Overlord turn after the door is destroyed, the Overlord and one of the Players rolls with no rerolls allowed. The highest result wins (ties go to the Overlord) and controls the Haunter until the beginning of the next Overlord turn. For the entire round, the Haunter of the Pits acts a unit for its controller.
The Haunter of the Pits activation does not count toward normal activations for the Overlord and does not require any gem expenditure to activate as an Ally. Neither side may spend gems on Bonuses/Benefits (Movement, Guard, or Rerolls).
Jhebbal Sag’s Song: The token denotes a beast hide strung up on stakes by the wall. This beast hide was the Haunter’s mate, but was killed for sport. A Hero may perform a complex Manipulation with a difficulty of 2 to take the hide and wear it. Give this player the Mantle of Gullah equipment card. A Hero wearing the Mantle of Gullah may perform a complex Manipulation with a difficulty of 2 to create grunting sounds that will allow the player to control the Haunter of the Pits for the round; this must be done at the start of every Overlord turn before any other action. The Hero’s stance does not matter for this action and line of site is not required. If the complex Manipulation is failed, proceed to the die roll for control.

Game Board Rules: Standard game board rules apply, including the table and bar rule (see game board rules). In addition, the red door cannot be opened by any means.

Doors: A unit may spend 1 movement point to open the door to the rooms that contain the pirates.

Chests: The asset deck contains: 2 Life Potions, 1 Throwing Knives,and 1 Shield.