4 Players      2 Crows

The two men from the mists--two warriors who claimed to hail from the days before the oceans drank Altantis--had proven themselves allies to the King. Conan only came to trust others after they’d proven themselves in battle, and these two managed more than that--their knowledge of these snakes that speak had probably saved his life and that of his queen’s. With the strangers’ help, and the few men he could still trust, Conan managed to drive the foe into hiding within the untamed forests to the south. Conan himself had seen what horrors lair within that dark wilderness, and had heard tales of abandoned cities and ruins scattered there.

After tracking his quarry to a crumbling temple deep within the forest, Conan knew the snakes had nowhere left to slither. Mitra willing, he and his men would breach the entrance and wash the floors in serpents’ blood. But Conan knew Thulsa Doom would have had time to prepare for their coming. It was time to don harness and sharpen their wits as keenly as their blades.

Night of the Kings

Conqueror Temple

    Uses content from:     Core Game     Conan the Conqueror     The Shadow Kingdom

Winning the Game


The Heroes win, once Thulsa Doom’s skull has been burned.


The Overlord wins if all the Heroes are killed OR if Thulsa Doom’s skull has not been burned by the end of turn 8.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn.


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Conan the Conqueror (Scale Mail, Conan’s Great Sword) with 3 Bossonian Guards,
King Kull (Atlantean Axe, Chain Mail) with 3 Bossonian Archers,
Brule (Akbitanan Sword, Throwing Knives, Leather Armor)

3 Black Dragons may be substituted for 3 Bossonian Guards.
2 Crossbowmen (Green) may be substituted for 3 Bossonian Archers.

After setup, each hero moves 4 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 8 gems in their Reserve zone and 4 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “5” in the Book Skelos.

When either Event tile is activated, the Overlord may choose one of the 3 options below:

Reinforcement: 5 reinforcement points .

Aura of Doom: Choose a Hero. That hero must move 2 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone. Heroes can only move gems if they have them. This effect does not cause wounds. This Event option is still available if Thulsa Doom has been killed as his infernal essence yet lingers until his skull is destroyed.

Raise the Scourge: Activate the Scourge of Set. When activating the Scourge during this Event, do not move its tile in the River.

Thulsa Doom has 2 spells: Yog’s Hunger and Set’s Halo.

The River



Special Rules

The Serpent Armlet: All Heroes in the area with the Serpent Armlet may ignore Jinx. In addition, Heroes in adjacent areas benefit from the Serpent Armlet’s effect if the area with the Armlet is occupied. The Serpent Armlet has an encumbrance value of 0 and is subject to the same rules as other items for passing, throwing, dropping, etc. Use the Mitra’s Halo token to represent the Serpent Armlet. NOTE: The Armlet does not need to be equipped by a Hero to confer its benefits.

The Scourge of Set: The Scourge of Set is an abomination created by the necromantic sorcery of Thulsa Doom. During its creation, Doom bestowed some of his immortal essence to the beast and is therefore part of it. As long as the Scourge of Set is alive, Doom may neither targeted or harmed by any attacks. Once the Scourge has been killed, Doom may be targeted normally. The Scourge of Set has 10 Life Points. For this scenario the Scourge of Set is considered an Oversized unit (see page 3 in the Tome of Skelos).

Thulsa Doom: Thulsa Doom cannot be targeted by an attack until the Scourge of Set has been killed. He may still activate and affect Heroes with his Skills as normal. Thulsa Doom has 10 Life Points. When Thulsa Doom is killed, remove his miniature and replace it with the token, which represents his skull. The skull has 1 weight (encumbrance) and is subject to the same rules as other items (for passing, throwing, dropping, etc.). Thulsa Doom has the Attack from Beyond skill for this scenario.

Destroying the Skull of Thulsa Doom: Being an immortal necromancer, Doom can only be destroyed if his skull is obliterated. To do this, the Heroes must place it in the area containing the large brazier at the top of the stairs (marked on the diagram with ). It may be dropped or thrown into the area. As soon as it’s there, the Heroes win the game.

Bossonian Troops: Both Conan and Kull have allies they may command via the Leadership skill. Though they have been assigned their own tiles, they may activate one another’s allies. To avoid confusion over which hero’s gems have been used to activate the tiles, you may want to use red gems for Conan’s Hero Sheet and blue gems for Kull’s.

Corrections / Clarifications

Plate Armor: The scenario (as written) calls for Conan to wear Plate Armor. There is no Plate Armor in the game. I’ve chosen to equip him with Scale Mail (Armor: , Encumbrance: 5). The Asshuri Cuirass (Armor: , Encumbrance: 4) may also be available to you.