5 Players      3 Crows

King Conan had suffered more threats than he had wounds to his flesh. Some arrived on the quivering lips of Nemedian heralds; others were carried by the beat of Pictish drums. After the Year of the Dragon had ended and Conan managed to recover his throne from the most formidable foe he’d ever faced, he hoped for peace. Nay, he demanded peace!

But when his closest advisor arrived in his chamber with two emissaries from an unnamed kingdom--two men who claimed to have stepped out of the mists of time--Conan knew peace would remain a distant memory. Why couldn’t it be the Nemedians again or even the Stygians? By Crom, he’d welcome a wave of howling Picts, if it meant avoiding the plots of sorcerers or devils from the Outer Dark!

It would not be so simple, however. The advisors brought news that Conan’s scouts and spies reported having seen King Conan and Queen Zenobia at an inn less than a day’s ride from Tarantia, apparently parleying with sworn enemies of Aquilonia. Knowing that he and the queen had not left his keep of a fortnight, Conan bristled at the implication. He would find out who dared usurp their royal identities and how they did it. And what of these strangers from the past? What brought them here, and why would they offer him aid? Sighing wearily, Conan reached for his goblet of wine and drained it in a single gulp. “Find your tongues, then,” he said.

The Serpent’s Coils


    Uses content from:     Core Game     Conan the Conqueror     The Shadow Kingdom

Winning the Game


The Heroes win if they find the secret stairs, destroy the venom barrels and kill the imposter Conan and Zenobia before the end of turn 8.


The Overlord wind if all four Heroes are killed OR if the Heroes fail to meet their objectives.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn.


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Conan the Conqueror (Spiked Mace, Scale Mail)
Zenobia (Kris, Leather Armor)
King Kull (Akbitanan Sword, Chain Mail)
Brule (Cutlass, Net, Leather Armor, Throwing Knives)

King Conan or Amra the Lion may be substituted for Conan the Conqueror.
Octavia or Shevatas may be substituted for Zenobia.
N’Gora may be substituted for King Kull.
Balthus may be substituted for Brule.

The Heroes start with NO gems in their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 5 gems in their Reserve zone and 5 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “5” in the Book Skelos.

The Overlord will use the Princess miniature and Zenobia tile to represent the imposter Zenobia. Randomly place 1   2   face down in the areas indicated. Place the Son of Set tile and the Giant Snake tile in the Overlord’s area (but not in the River).

Serpent Strike occurs in the following order:

  1. Replace any laid down Bossonian Guard or Khitan Acolyte miniature with previously killed Serpent-men miniatures. If a Serpent-men tile was flipped, turn it back over. No more 5 Green Serpent-men and 5 Beige Serpent-men miniatures may be on the board. If a tile has been dredged, the miniature cannot be returned to the board.
  2. Activate the Son of Set (2 Life Points)
  3. Activate the Giant Snake (2 Life Points)
  4. If the Son of Set or the Giant Snake has been killed the Overlord may remove the Conan the Pirate or Zenobia’s laid down miniature and tile from the board to return one of the snakes (2 Life Points) to the area the laid down miniature was in. If there isn’t enough room in the area, you may place the miniature in an adjacent area. This is usable once per Event activation. Remove the Event tile if all the associated miniatures are off the board.

Black Dragons may be substituted for Bossonian Guards.
Demon of Earth may be substituted for the Giant Snake.
Scourge of Set may be substituted for the Son of Set.

The River



Special Rules

Map Notes: Normal map rules apply (see game board rules on page 5 of the Tome of Skelos). The red door is considered part of the wall and may not be used. Chair combat bonus () and tabletop/bartop elevation bonuses apply.

Oversized Units: The Giant Snake and Son of Set follow the rules for Oversized units on page 3 of the Tome of Skelos.

Bar Top Areas: The Giant Snake and Son of Set do not pay the extra movement point to enter a bar top area. When either snake enters a bar top area, place a Wrecked Wall token. This area is now treated as a normal area.

Secret Stairs: When a Hero enters a room with a , flip it over. If it has the , the Hidden Stairs have been discovered. If a is shown, replace the with a . A Hero that discovers a suffers 1 (no rerolls) of damage that cannot be defended. A Hero with Leap can avoid the damage by rolling 2 or more on 1 .

Pit Trap: It costs 1 extra movement point to move out of an area with a Pit token, unless a Hero has the Climb skill. Overlord units are not affected by Pit tokens.

Serpentine Deception: When Conan the Pirate, Zenobia, a Bossonian Guard or Khitan Acolyte is killed, lay its miniature down in the area. (See Event) If all miniatures of a tile are laid down, flip the tile.

Net: A Bossonian Guard of Khitan Acolyte with a are removed from the board when they are killed.

Venom Barrels: may be destroyed with a complex Manipulation with a difficulty of 4. A Hero may add the dice bonus from 1 of their Melee weapons.

Poison: A character with the Poison skill rolls 1 extra when performing a Melee Attack.

Doors: Require a complex Manipulation of 2 to open. Overlord units can move through them for 1 extra movement point and remove the door.

Chests: Require a simple Manipulation to open. The asset deck contains: Nemedian Poniard, Heavy Spear, Atlantean Axe, 2 Life Potion, and Conan’s Great Sword.