3 Players      2 Crows

The rumor spreads quickly amongst the thieves of Asgalun: The Vandal has made port in Pelishtim and its captain, Zaporavo, has found a copy of the texts of Vathelos the Blind. Legends tell that the texts contain secrets to opening the doors to the shimmering dome that looms above the ancient ruins of Kuthchemes in the vast deserts of south-western Shem.

“The promise of fabulous treasure for whomever has the courage to claim the text,” recites Shevatas, king of the thieves of Zamora. The words echo in Conan’s ears as the two men meet at the inn where Zaporavo is staying. Their plan is simple: wait until nightfall, find where the texts are hidden, and claim the texts and the treasure for themselves.

Celebration fills the air as the crew of The Vandal crowds the inn, spending loot on alcohol and women. But the crewmen are soon joined by Shemite soldiers, whom Zaporavo has paid off to watch his back.

When Zaporavo realizes the identity of the pair of newcomers, the inn turns into a death trap.

The Key of Kuthchemes


    Uses content from:     Core Game

Winning the Game


If a hero is in a street area with either the Spellbook or the red chest, the heroes have all they need to access the promised treasure; the heroes win the game.


If all heroes are dead or at the end of turn 8, the fabulous treasure is out of the heroes’ reach; the Overlord wins the game.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn. The heroes start in the areas indicated by the setup diagram.


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Conan (Conan‘s Sword, Leather Armor)
Shevatas (Kris, Throwing Knives)
After setup, heroes do not move any gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 10 gems in their Reserve zone and 2 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “5” in the Book of Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves any one of the following events:

Reinforcement: 4 reinforcement points .

As You Wish: The Overlord may exchange the position of 2 tiles in the River.

The River



Special Rules

Red Chest: A hero in the red chest’s area with a Key can perform a simple Manipulation to open the chest. The chest cannot otherwise be opened, and is considered an object with an encumbrance of 5. When a hero opens the chest, the hero takes a Spellbook instead of a card from the asset deck.

Walls: A character with Wall Wrecker cannot use it to move across an outer wall of the inn or to move between areas of different elevations.

Leaping From/Climbing a Balcony: A character can move across a railing from a balcony area to a ground floor area as though it were a border. The character rolls 2 Orange dice for falling damage. If the character has Leap, the character rolls 1 Orange die instead. A character with Climb can move across a railing from a ground floor area to a balcony area by spending 2 extra movement points.

Leaping From/Climbing a Stairwell: A character can move across a banister from a stair area to a ground floor area as though it were a border. The character rolls 2 Yellow dice for falling damage. If the character has Leap, the character rolls 1 Yellow die instead. A character with Climb can move across a banister from a ground floor area to a stair area by spending 1 extra movement point.

Table: A character in an area with an empty table can move onto that table by spending 1 movement point. A character on a table rolls an extra Yellow die for Melee and Ranged Attacks

Chair: When a character performs a Melee Attack, the character may remove a chair token in the character’s area from the board to roll an extra Yellow die for that attack.

Chests: During setup, the Overlord places 6 chests on the board as indicated by the setup diagram. The asset deck contains: 1 Key, 1 Explosive Orb, 1 Life Potion, 1 Leather Armor, 1 Empty Chest.