5 Players      3 Crows

Under the low ceiling, blackened by the smoke of a sordid dive engulfed in the tortuous alleys of Peshkhauri, the atmosphere suddenly strains. The dark, inscrutable face of the Cimmerian colossus, with an air as untamed as redoubtable, turns into a ferocious rictus. Surrounded by Turanian bandits, he addresses a man standing on the balcony overlooking the room: “We have fulfilled our part of the deal and braved the Kshatriyas warriors in order to seize these treasure chests crucial for your intrigues in Vendhya. So, by Crom, either you pay what you owe us or we shall take our due!”

“Take your due?” sneers the lord of Conan and of his redoubtable comrades in arms. “I have provided you with the help of this Ne- median thief standing by my side, so I believe it necessary that you revise your price downwards, for without him you would not have succeeded. Or maybe would you rather discuss with my masters, the Black Prophets?”

The man then turns around and walks away barking: “Throw these tramps out, they do not deserve the price for their services”. At these words, the Turanian closest to Conan spits at his feet, but reacting swiftly, the barbarian punches him in the face and breaks his jaw; true to his former reputation as Iron Hand. Then the tavern soon resounds with the clatter of knocked-over benches, trampling, screams and curse words in a furious fray

The Iron Hand


    Uses content from:     Core Game     Stretch Goal     Book of Set

Winning the Game


If the heroes flee with both Treasure Chests before the end of turn 7; the heroes win the game.


If the Overlord prevents the heroes from fleeing with both Treasure Chest before the end of turn 7; the Overlord wins the game.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn.


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Conan Mercenary
Olgerd Vladislav
After setup, each hero moves 6 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 7 gems in their Reserve zone and 4 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “7” in the Book of Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves the following event:

Reinforcement: The Overlord choses up to three laid down models and stands them up. If a reinforced model belongs to a tile flipped to its “bloodied” face, the Overlord flips that tile over to its non “bloodied” face.

Khemsa has 2 spells: Bori’s Rage and Inversion.

The River



Special Rules

Fist-fight: Heroes have no equipment in this scenario. However, they ignore penalties from unarmed attacks. If a hero’s life points are reduced to zero, they are considered “out of combat” and their model is laid down in their area of the board. They are not considered dead (therefore, the number of gems that their companions recover do not change) and they will have to declare themselves Cautious during the next Heroes’ Stance Phase.
If a Bossonian Guard or a Pirate has their life points reduced to zero, they are not dead and their model is laid down in their area. If all the models of a tile are laid down, the Overlord flips the tile over to its « bloodied » face then places it to the right, at the end of their River.
When Khemsa or Taurus have their life points reduced to zero, they are removed from the game and their tile is flipped over to its “bloodied” face, then placed to the right, at the end of their River.
A laid down model is not taken into account for Hindering and Occupied areas.

Dredging the River: If the Overlord removes the Pirate or Bossonian Guard tiles when dredging the River, they must then remove from the board all the laid down models corresponding to the removed tile.

Recovery of the heroes: When a hero declares themselves Cautious during the Heroes’ Stance phase, they may choose to either move 5 gems from their Fatigue zone to their Reserve zone or move all their gems from their Wound zone to their Fatigue zone.

Treasure Chests: During setup, the Overlord places 2 Treasure Chest tokens as indicated in the setup diagram. The Treasure Chest token is considered an object with an encumbrance of 10. A hero in a Treasure Chest token’s area may perform a simple Manipulation to pick it up. A hero carrying a treasure chest cannot perform a Melee Attack.
If a hero carrying a treasure chest is the target of the Inversion spell, they drop the treasure chest in their area, then the Inversion spell is resolved.
If a hero carrying the treasure chest is “out of combat”, they drop the treasure chest in their area.

Alcohol Cask: A hero in an Alcohol Cask token’s area may perform a simple Manipulation to take the Alcohol Cask token from the board and place it on their Hero’s sheet. The hero then moves 2 gems from their Fatigue zone to their Reserve zone (in priority move the gems from the Fatigue zone, then the ones from the Action spaces if the Fatigue zone is empty).

Hangover: The Overlord may remove an Alcohol Cask token from a hero’s sheet to force that hero to Reroll right after the free Rerolls and before any Reroll actions.

Walls: A character with Wall Wrecker cannot use it to move across an outer wall of the inn or to move between areas of different elevations.

Leaping From/Climbing a Balcony: A character can move across a railing from a balcony area to a ground floor area as though it were a border. The character rolls 2 Orange dice for falling damage. If the character has Leap, the character rolls 1 Orange die instead. A character with Climb can move across a railing from a ground floor area to a balcony area by spending 2 extra movement points.

Leaping From/Climbing a Stairwell: A character can move across a banister from a stair area to a ground floor area as though it were a border. The character rolls 2 Yellow dice for falling damage. If the character has Leap, the character rolls 1 Yellow die instead. A character with Climb can move across a banister from a ground floor area to a stair area by spending 1 extra movement point.

Bar: A character with or without Leap or Climb may move onto the Bar areas or a table area by spending 1 extra movement point. These areas provide an Elevation bonus of 1 Yellow die. A character in the bar’s area or in a table’s area, with or without Reach, may attack a character in an adjacent area with a Melee Attack. These areas do not block line of sight. A character may exit these areas with no movement penalty.

Bar Stools: A character in a chair token’s area may pick it up for free when performing a Melee Attack. The chair token is immediately returned to the box and that character benefits from the chair’s attack bonus of 1 Yellow die (in addition to any weapon’s Melee Attack bonus).

Chests: During setup, the Overlord places 3 chests on the board as indicated by the setup diagram. The asset deck contains: 3 Explosive Orbs