5 Players     

Exhausted, the mercenaries have finished by shaking off their pursuers, but they have sunk deep into Pictish territory, into the wild virgin lands far removed from civilization.

Conan’s instinct and his unrivalled tracking skills have saved the group of fighters, but all need to find a refuge to heal their wounds and rest. In front of them, the vegetation suddenly becomes scarcer and Conan sees the outlines of wooden constructions. On the alert and in a tense silence, the barbarian approaches to discover a dilapidated and abandoned lakeside village on stilts.

The warriors choose to settle in a still-intact hut, and as Conan inspects the rest of the village, he comes face to face with a terrifying ghostly apparition. Throwing his weapon in a prodigious reflex, he touches the phantom that screams and turns out to be a gaunt paint-covered Pict. Not Sure that he is alone, the Cimmerian does not chase after him and hurries back to his men in order to prepare for the worst.

And the worst is to come, this shaman, living the life of a recluse, is completely mad and highly skilled in the darkest of magical arts.

The Mad Shaman

Campaign: Legend of the Devil in Iron


    Uses content from:     Core Game     King Pledge     Stretch Goal     Legend of the Devil in Iron

Winning the Game


If before the end of turn 7, Zogar Sag has not succeeded in destroying the village, or he has been killed by the heroes; the heroes win the game.


If Zogar Sag has succeeded in destroying the village before the end of turn 7; the Overlord wins.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn.
The heroes start in the area marked .


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Follow Campaign Rules for level and starting equipment
Amra the Lion
Savage Bêlit
After setup, each hero moves 4 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 10 gems in their Reserve zone and 2 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “7” in the Book of Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves the following event:

Reinforcement: 4 reinforcement points (see Special Rules).

Zogar Sag has Deceleration.

The River


Special Rules

Destroy the village: During setup, the Overlord places 7 tokens on the board as indicated by the setup diagram. Each token represents a pillar supporting the village. When Zogar Sag is in a token’s area, he can use his attack to destroy that pillar. The Overlord does not roll the dice (the attack is an automatic success) and removes that token from the board. When the Overlord destroys the fifth pillar, the village collapses and it is engulfed by the swamp.

Reinforcements: The reinforced models can come into play in any area of the board. The Overlord cannot bring more than one model into play in the same area during a Reinforcement event regardless of the number of Overlord models already present in that area. However, the occupied area rule must be respected.

Chests: During setup, the Overlord places 4 chests on the board as indicated by the setup diagram. The asset deck contains: 2 Life Potions, 1 Two-handed Sword and 1 Explosive Orb.

Campaign Results

Heroes’ Victory: After killing the shaman and making sure that there was no one else after them Conan decides to return to the coast. To wander any longer in this immense hostile forest seems suicidal. The Cimmerian would prefer to die by trying his luck against the coastal tribes rather than between the teeth of a horror hidden in the shadows.

The heroes’ side earns 1 victory point.

The next scenario to be played is scenario 10, “An Explosive Enigma”.

Overlord’s Victory: The mercenaries manage to narrowly escape from the cursed village and Conan decides to quickly return to the coast. To wander any longer in this immense hostile forest seems suicidal. The Cimmerian would prefer to die by trying his luck against the coastal tribes rather than between the teeth of a horror hidden in the shadows.

The Overlord’s side earns 1 victory point.

The next scenario to be played is scenario 9, “The Woman Who Never Died”.