5 Players     

With his hand firmly gripping the hilt of his sword, Conan wanders through the long dark tunnel that twists before him. He does not know how he got here. He vaguely remembers that he and his men, completely exhausted, had set up a rough camp in order to rest a little, and he had taken the first watch. He remembers a strange haze falling without warning on the encampment, then nothing, oblivion.

The Cimmerian emerges into a vast room with walls made of polished black marble arches and furnished in the style of Ancient Stygians. The place is lit by a candelabrum with black candles; the atmosphere oozes evil and perversion. There, an imposing monolith as black as the room stands with a text engraved at its center.

(See page x The Legend of the Devil in Iron)

A young girl with a voluptuous body and ivory-like skin stands at the foot of the enormous stone, her black hair cascading over her bare shoulders. When she speaks, her curled lips reveal her white, pointed teeth, “I am Akivasha. I am the woman who never died, never aged. Come closer Barbarian, come and join the horde of darkness, for soon the Master of the Abyss will allow us to stride across this earth such as gods!”

While a mocking laugh as sweet and poisonous as the vials of hell bursts out of this foul creature, the veil of reality that surrounds the Cimmerian tears away leaving the decrepit building which he finds his men.

It is time to fight to prevent this waking nightmare from becoming their tomb.

The Woman Who Never Died

Campaign: Legend of the Devil in Iron

Abandoned Fort

    Uses content from:     Core Game     King Pledge     Stretch Goal     Legend of the Devil in Iron

Winning the Game


If Akivasha is killed before the end of turn 7; the heroes win the game.


If Akivasha is still alive the end of turn 7; the Overlord wins.



The game starts with the heroes’ turn.
The heroes deploy freely in the areas marked


Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Follow Campaign Rules for level and starting equipment
Amra the Lion
Savage Bêlit
After setup, each hero moves 6 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The Overlord starts with 9 gems in their Reserve zone and 3 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “7” in the Book of Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves any one of the following events:

Reinforcement: 4 reinforcement points .

Fire at will: Each unit may perform a Ranged Attack if able.

Invocating the creature: See Special Rules.

Akivasha has Energy Drain and Set’s Halo.
If the Gray Man-Ape is invocated and is still alive at the end of the scenario, check its name on the Overlord’s Campaign Log.

The River


Special Rules

Akivasha: In this scenario Akivasha does not have Attack from Beyond but she does have Protected.

Invocating the creature: The Overlord chooses a Bossonian Guards or Archers Unit tile from their river. All the models of that tile are sacrificed and removed from the game, this is the blood price demanded by Set. The Overlord removes the Event tile from the game. The first tile of the Gray Man-Ape replaces the sacrificed Unit tile and the second one is placed at the end of the river. The Gray Man-Ape’s model is placed in one of the sacrificed model’s area. Each sacrificed model adds 3 life points to the Gray Man-Ape’s Life Point marker on the according position of the turn track.

Destruction of the Chest: At the start of each turn of the Overlord, after the Recovery phase, the Overlord rolls . The number of successes indicates which chest the Overlord will destroy (0, 1, or 2). If the result designates two chests the Overlord chooses which chest will be destroyed. The Overlord may use the Reroll benefit. The Overlord then removes the chest token from the board and secretly draws a card from the Special Equipment deck. That Special Equipment card is removed from the game.

Chests: During setup, the Overlord places 6 chests on the board as indicated by the setup diagram. The Overlord randomly removes 3 out of 9 cards in the Special Equipment deck to form a deck for the chests.

Campaign Results

Heroes’ Victory: Conan and his men painfully emerge from the strange sleep that took over them during the night. To their amazement, they not only bear the marks of the battle they fought during this hellish nightmare, but they also still have the equipment they were able to pick up.

Read the card “The Legend of the Devil in Iron”.

The heroes’ side earns 1 victory point.

The next scenario to be played is scenario 11, “Approached by the Vandal”.

Overlord’s Victory: Conan and his men painfully emerge from the strange sleep that took them over during the night. To their amazement, they bear the marks of the battle they fought during this hellish nightmare.

Read the card “The Legend of the Devil in Iron”.

The Overlord’s side earns 1 victory point.

The next scenario to be played is scenario 12, “The horror from the abyss”.