3 Players      1 Crow

The Queen of the Black Coast is pleased. Accompanying this priest of Asura named Hadrathus has proved to be the right choice. Standing there, in front of the ruins of a forgotten thousand-year-old building, engulfed by the lush vegetation, she has no regrets accepting the small fortune that the priest has given her to be escorted to the wild shores of the Kush kingdom. Not knowing how to control her greed, the Shemite devil, surrounded by a handful of her black buccaneers, has followed the priest through the sinister jungle in the hope of discovering a much more impressive bounty; she has the feeling that Hadrathus is pursuing relics of immeasurable value.

During his mystical research, Hadrathus has discovered that mirrors belonging to the wizard Tuzun Thune of ancient Valusia are still intact. They could help him call into question Reality as we know it, thus giving concrete evidence to the sacred word of Asura, which teaches his disciples that life is an illusion and that Truth lies beyond death.

While the priest rejoices at the idea of getting his hands on the cursed mirrors, the small group is unaware of the impending danger. Indeed, following his divinations at the Temple of Jullah, the fearful Inquisitor Ageera has sent his fanatical hunters on their trail. Ageera, who spends his life chasing and slaughtering all demon-summoning sorcerers, intends to destroy the sacrilegious relics and chastise the heretics.

The Cursed Mirrors

Abandoned Fort

    Uses content from:     Core Game     Kushite Witch Hunters     Book of Set

Winning the Game


The Heroes must protect the artifacts. If there is at least one artifact on the board at the end of turn 7; the heroes win the game.


If the Overlord destroys the three artifacts before the end of turn 7; the Overlord wins.




Suggested Heroes and Equipment:
Bêlit (Halberd) and 5 Bêlit’s Guards
Hadrathus (Sword, Borne by the Wind, Set’s Possession, Lightning Storm)
After setup, each hero moves 3 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone.


The game starts with the Overlord’s turn.
The Overlord starts with 10 gems in their Reserve zone and 0 in their Fatigue zone, and places the recovery token showing a recovery value of “3” in the Book of Skelos.

When an event tile is activated the Overlord resolves the following event:

Crowd Control: see Special Rules.

Shubba has Energy Drain, Mind Control, and Teleportation.

The River





Special Rules

Artifacts: During setup, the Overlord places the artifacts, represented by the tokens , as indicated by the setup diagram. A Kushite (Afari, Ghayoor, Shafiah and Shubba) in an artifact’s area may perform a Melee Attack and roll at least 2 symbols in a single attack to destroy that artifact. This Melee Attack follows the same rules as any Melee Attack (Sacrifice, Circular Strike, etc.) and Bêlit’s Guards can use Sacrifice to defend the artifacts.

Crowd Control: The Overlord activates up to two Bêlit’s Guards as if they were units. During these activations, the Overlord follows all rules regarding unit tile activation (movement, attack etc.) and can use benefits. The Overlord cannot use Leap with a Bêlit’s Guard model to Leap from the walls.

Lines of Sight: A character in a wall area has line of sight to each ground area within the fortress walls. An area in a tower and an area outside that tower are within each other’s line of sight only if the areas are in or adjacent to the tower.

Leaping from Walls: A character can move across a parapet from a wall area to a ground area as though it were a border. The character rolls 2 Red dice for falling damage. If the character has Leap, the character rolls 1 Red die instead.

Rock Slides: A character can move into a rock slide area from an adjacent area. The character must spend 2 extra movement points unless the character has Climb.